12 files found in Library "Floppy Disk / Tape"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
35SEC120.ZIP No 33389 09-24-95
35SEC v1.20 - Floppy cache accelerator
reads/writes a 1.44 MB diskette in 35
seconds, in the background.
COPYP213.ZIP Yes 9762 07-30-95
Copy version 2.13 - Copy diskettes when
formats are different. Copy, move, rename or
erase specified files in a directory, entire
branch or diskette. Awesome. For DOS 3.2+ or
may be run from Windows. Reg only $10!
DCF51.ZIP Yes 109786 12-20-95
DISK COPY FAST v5.1 : Powerful 1-pass
diskette duplication utility. VERY fast.
Support DMF, XDF, selected FDFORMAT, 800KB,
MAC HD and standard formats. Support PS/2.
DISKE291.ZIP Yes 89027 11-19-95
DISKED v2.9.1-The DISK EDitor. Sector level
disk editor. Recover lost data; edit files at
the sector level; edit BOOT sector; etc.
DISKR125.ZIP Yes 146987 10-01-95
Diskers: Disk Duplicator (v 1.25) Create
diskette Image files from floppies.
reqs VBRUN300.DLL
DITU10.ZIP Yes 14090 08-01-95
DITU v1.0: disk-image transfer/backup utility
that will copy disk sectors into a file, or
vice versa; includes C source.
ICACH120.ZIP Yes 57189 09-01-95
I Cache v1.20: device driver to provide disk
sector caching; supports all IDE, SCSI,
CDROM, floppy, and external drives;
KBYTE253.ZIP Yes 179256 04-04-95
KILOBYTE ver 2.53 - ($0) KILOBYTEs are
(mostly) small (mostly) text files intended
to fill up a � empty disk. Poetry, humor, etc
KOPYIT21.ZIP Yes 288805 10-29-95
KOPYIT Floppy Disk Duplicator v2.10 Make
exact copies of your floppy disks. From 1 to
99 at a time - much faster than DOS's
QCOP51.ZIP Yes 160424 10-15-95 Fast format/copy util, includes DMF