Pandemonium's Asynchronous Circle Of Death! PACOD is a wad for DooM 2 and Heretic Registered. In Doom ][ it replaces MAP01, and in Heretic It replaces E1M1. PACOD is a deathmatch only level for 2 or more players. It's really big, and it's hard to play just two people. The oppenent will be IMPOSSIBLE to find. Every weapon is readily available, and is there for the taking! You must play this in DeathMatch ][ though, since there is no exit!!!!! Note: Nothing is as it seems, especially water. Can you go through a waterfall in real life? No rules, all blood, and lotsa fun! Go for it! Created By Pandemonium On 18:47pm 09-10-1995 Email me at or try to kill me on The Gate BBS in Fort Collins Colorado: 223-1959 Build Time: 8 Hours Wad Editor: WadEd 1.83b Go Go Go Go Go Go Go PLAY!