Rise of the Triad - Dark War Replacement CD-ROM Installation v1.0 (ROTTCDI.EXE) by Lee Jackson Copyright (c) 1995 Lee Jackson All Rights Reserved ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ---------------- "Rise of the Triad" and "Rise of the Triad - Dark War" are Copyright (c) 1995 Apogee Software, Ltd. This program incorporates elements of the PICTOR Video Library, v1.51. The PICTOR Video Library is Copyright (c) 1992-1994 SoftCircuits. All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. DISCLAIMERS ----------- THE AUTHOR OF THIS PROGRAM, LEE JACKSON, SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL LEE JACKSON BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES OR CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, OR OF ANY PRODUCT IT IS USED TO INSTALL, COPY, OR OTHERWISE USE, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF I HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. This product is not supported, published, tested, distributed, or authorized by Apogee Software, Ltd.. Do not contact them for assistance in the use of this product. In other words, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. BACKGROUND ---------- Some users of disk compression software, such as Stacker, DriveSpace, and DoubleSpace, have experienced problems with the installation of the CD-ROM version of Apogee Software, Ltd.'s "Rise of the Triad - Dark War" (v1.2a). This program is intended as a replacement for the installation bundled with the CD-ROM. While it is entirely possible to do a manual installation of the files from the CD-ROM to a hard drive by simply copying all files from the ROTTINST directory on the CD-ROM to a directory on the hard drive, newer computer users may not feel comfortable with this. This program should make life a little bit easier for these users. INSTRUCTIONS ------------ If you are reading this now, you have apparently managed to unarchive the file you downloaded from a BBS or other online service. Congratulations - you're halfway finished with the procedure. However, there is one thing you will need to check on before you proceed. If you have already tried to install the game and failed, you will most likely have a directory called ROTT on the drive you tried to install to. GET RID OF THIS DIRECTORY BEFORE YOU RUN THIS INSTALL PROGRAM. If you have MS-DOS or PC DOS 6.0 or higher, you can use the DELTREE command to do this a bit faster. In any event, if you need help, consult your DOS manual for instructions. You might also want to check your hard drive for errors before you proceed - just to be safe. If you have MS-DOS 6.2 or higher, you should use the SCANDISK program that comes with your copy of DOS. If you have a version of MS-DOS prior to 6.2, or if you have PC DOS, use the CHKDSK command instead. Again, if you don't know how to use these, read your DOS manual first. To run this replacement install program, you should be in the directory on the drive into which you have unarchived the files (an example would be C:\DOWNLOAD). From this prompt, type the word ROTTCDI and press enter. This will start the program. NOTE - Please read the opening warning screen carefully. You will be given ample opportunity to stop the program at any time. Check the lower part of the screen (or the status bar at the bottom of later screens) for instructions. If in doubt, QUIT! Once you have made it past the warning, you will be asked for the letter for your CD-ROM drive. If your CD-ROM is drive E:, press the letter E and then press Enter. Case doesn't matter - either upper case (E) or lower case (e) is fine. Next, you will be asked for the drive you want to install the game onto. If you want to install to drive D:, press the letter D and then press Enter. Again, case doesn't matter - either upper or lower is fine. You will notice that both screens have a letter entered for you already. This is the "default drive." In other words, it is what will be used unless you tell the program to use something else. The default CD-ROM drive is drive D:, while the default hard drive is drive C:. If you want to use these drives, simply press enter on each screen. Once you have given the program what it needs, it will start the installation. Once it is done, it will let you know if it was successful or not. If you encountered any problems, fix them according to the instructions onscreen, get rid of the ROTT directory on your hard drive again (see above), then re-run this installation program. That's it! You have now installed "Rise of the Triad - Dark War" onto your hard drive. Go into the ROTT directory on this drive, type SETUP, and enjoy! CONCLUSION ---------- I do not ask for any money for this program - use it and distribute it as you will, as long as you do not modify it. If you do distribute it, you must keep all the files in the original archive together. These files are as follows: ROTTCDI.EXE (The replacement installer) ROTTCDI.TXT (This document) FILE_ID.DIZ (Standard BBS description) I cannot guarantee support on this program, seeing how it was done for free. If you have questions or comments, I can be reached via the following e-mail addresses: FidoNet 1:124/9005.5 Internet Lee.Jackson@p5.f9005.n124.z1.fidonet.org 76040.2743@compuserve.com CompuServe 76040,2743 RIME/RelayNet Send routed mail to ->AOF in the APOGEE conference I will try to help if you have a problem, and I will try to respond if you have a comment. Don't hold your breath, however - no guarantees. Good luck! -Lee Jackson