BINGOS There are two frequently occuring combinations of six letters that lend themselves to Bingos. These are the notorious SATIRE and RETINA. SATIRE combinations ------------------- a : aristae b : barites, baiters, terbias c : raciest, stearic d : diaster, astride, tirades, disrate, staider e : seriate f : fairest g : stagier, seagirt, aigrets, gaiters h : hastier i : airiest l : saltire, realist, retails, saltier, slatier m : imarets, misrate n : stainer, retsina, retains, ratines, nastier, stearin, retinas p : piaster, traipse, pirates, parties, pastier r : tarsier, tarries s : satires t : artiste, striate, attires, tastier, ratites v : vastier, veritas w : wariest, wastrie, waiters RETINA combinations ------------------- c : creatin, certain d : detrain, trained e : retinae, trainee f : fainter g : tangier, ingrate, tearing, granite h : inearth i : inertia k : keratin, intaker l : ratline, latrine, reliant, retinal, trenail m : minaret, raiment n : entrain p : painter, pertain, repaint r : terrain, retrain, trainer s : retsina, stainer, retinas, stearin, nastier, retains, ratines t : tertian, nattier, nitrate u : taurine, urinate, ruinate, uranite w : tawnier, tinware reference: Conklin, THE OFFICIAL SCRABBLE PLAYERS HANDBOOK, 1976: Crown Publishers.