To register COP SQUAD you must fill out the registration questionnaire in the sysop configuration menu in the game. Simply press "!" from the Main Menu (make sure your BBS user name and sysop name in the configuration file match) and then press the [R]egistration selection in the SysOp Configuration menu. It is then a simple matter to answer the questions (about 10 of them) as they are presented to you. The program will let you either print the registration form then or later using the DOS copy command. A complete description of registering is presented in the SYSOP.DOC text file. There is *NO* separate text registration form in this archive. It is in the game itself. ON-LINE REGISTRATIONS ---------------------- On-Line registrations are now possible using your MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Optima, Discover or JCB credit cards. You can also use your checking account by authorizing an electronic checking transfer from your personal or business account. Sign onto The Phoenix BBS at (305) 572-6086 to learn more or to register on-line. -= Jan Ferguson =-