SVGA Tile Set for Dragons Bane name: SCI_FI.TL by: Larry Foye Description:Illustration of some of the important titles in this area of fiction. Many are also favorites of mine. For many of my favorites, unfortunately, I couldn't think of any way to il- lustrate the story. The "wild card" suits are Star Trek and Star Wars. Authors of Stories in Tile Set: Jules Verne-20,000 Leagues Under the Sea -Around the World in 80 Days Mary Shelley-Frankenstein H. G. Wells-The Time Machine -War of the Worlds Isaac Asimov-Nightfall -I, Robot (coll.) Robert Heinlein-Universe E.E. Smith-Galactic Patrol -Grey Lensman Philip Wylie-When Worlds Collide Malcolm Jameson-Bullard Reflects Theodore Sturgeon-Killdozer! Cleve Cartmill-Deadline Murray Leinster-First Contact Clifford D. Simak-Tools Cordwainer Smith-Alpha Ralpha Blvd. Robert Bloch-The Hell-Bound Train Poul Anderson-The Martian Crown Jewels Jack Vance-The Dragon Masters -The Face Larry Niven-Ringworld David Drake-Hammer's Slammers Tom Godwin-The Cold Equations Daniel Keyes-Flowers for Algernon Stanley Weinbaum-A Martian Odyssey A.E. van Vogt:The Weapon Shop Jack Williamson-With Folded Hands Fred Saberhagen-Berserker (coll.) Frank Herbert-Dune Harlan Ellison-The Deathbird Vonda McIntyre-Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand Ann McCaffrey-Weyr Search Arthur C. Clarke-2001:[A Space Odyssey] Laurance V. Foye, MD CIS: 71422,1542