================================================================ Title :Dimension Gate Filename :DIMGATE.WAD Version info :Only for Doom v.1.666 Author :Martin Rice Email Address :martyrice@aol.com (comments welcome) Description :The adventure begins in a Doom'd version of my office (not very detailed). From there, things get more and more bizarre. The level has several "stages", each separated by a transporter. There are a couple secret transporters and some neat affects where I try to get as close to true-3D (you can go under where you can go over). Some of these areas are a little confusing, but you can't get "trapped" anywhere. Additional Credits to :Id Software, Rulers of the World. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # :E2M1 Single Player :Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player :Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player :Yes Difficulty Settings :Yes New Sounds :Yes, several New Graphics :No New Music :No, but I pasted the music from E1M2 as I've become very tired of the E2M1 soundtrack. Demos Replaced :None * Construction * Base :New level from scratch Editor(s) used :DoomCad, BSP, DEU Known Bugs :Some textures not perfectly aligned. Notes :Since doing this WAD I've switched to DoomEd, a superior editor (IMHO). * Copyright / Permissions * You can do whatever you want with this data.