cdtest.cpp 25275 10-05-95 18:16 C++ source for CDTEST cdtest.diz 413 9-14-95 1:10 DIZ precis of CDTEST cdtest.doc 15360 10-05-95 1:10 WFW documentation on CDTEST cdtest.exe 45382 10-05-95 18:17 1.1 tests for flawed EIDE controller cdtest.key 187 9-14-95 1:10 keywords to file CDTEST on a BBS cdtest.txt 3008 10-05-95 1:10 ASCII documentation of CDTEST cdtest.use 332 10-05-95 1:10 Precis of CDTEST eideabb.doc 44544 10-06-95 16:47 WFW abridged FAQ on RZ-1000 and CMD-640 eideabb.txt 9406 10-06-95 16:49 ASCII abridged FAQ on RZ-1000, CMD-640 eideflaw.doc 91136 10-06-95 0:18 WFW FAQ on the RZ-1000 CMD-640 flaw eideflaw.txt 54919 10-06-95 0:18 ASCII FAQ on the RZ-1000 CMD-640 flaw eidetest.cpp 14712 10-05-95 18:16 C++ source for EIDETEST eidetest.doc 15360 10-05-95 0:18 WFW docs on EIDEtest.exe eidetest.exe 35900 10-05-95 18:17 1.8 tests for flawed EIDE controller eidetest.gar 1635 10-06-95 17:44 Garbo precis for EIDETEST eidetest.key 183 9-14-95 0:18 keywords to file EIDEtest on a BBS eidetest.txt 3029 10-05-95 0:18 ASCII docs on EIDEtest.exe eidetest.use 339 10-05-95 0:18 Precis of EIDEtest.exe file_id.diz 413 9-14-95 0:18 DIZ precis of EIDEtest.exe readme.txt 1638 10-06-95 17:45 List of files