Family Jewels -------------------------------------------------------------- Family Jewels is a shareware program. You can use this product a limited # of times to see if it meets your expectations. If you like the product, please register it with the author. The price is very reasonable (only $10.00 - U.S. funds). This will help the author to stay in business and buy his wife and teenage daughter all the junk they keep asking for. If you don't like it, then this is very bad. If there is some specific feature you were looking for or something in particular that you just hated, I would like to know about it so I can keep improving the product. Please e-mail me at CompuServe acct # 75262,465 or America Online @ RMcCookMan! or write me a letter and let me know about it. Also, if you really love the product please tell someone else about it. To setup the product for use, I suggest you create an empty directory such as c:\myas or c:\jewel or whatever you want. Copy the files into that directory and double click on myas.exe to run the program ("MYAS" doesn't refer to a part of your anatomy but to the original working name of the product which was "MY ASSETS"). You can copy the files with a VBX and DLL extention into your windows\system directory but make sure you don't overwrite a file there with a more recent date. That wouldn't be cool. It might make some other program not work right and we don't need that. Leave the help file (myas.hlp) and the sound files (files ending in .wav) in the same directory as myas.exe. As noted earlier, this can be any directory except the root directory. The program will create additional files that have the extention .dat in the same directory as myas.exe. These files are: reg.dat - Your registration file. Don't mess with it. You might lose the ability to run the program. it.dat - Your item file. lo.dat - Your category file. I hope you enjoy this program and will consider registering it. There is a handy registration form which you can print from the program. That will make it easier for me to read and send you the latest version of this product to the correct address. Sincerely, Roger D. McCook Lilburn, Georgia - 1995