A Goahead Imagination Production Log In Log Goahead Imagination encourages you distribute the unregistered, shareware, evaluation edition of this version of Log In Log, freely, under the terms stated therein. Version 1.00 An application to log and cost Internet connexions using Trumpet Winsock. Purpose: For most private internet users, phone bills and/or server costs can reach astronomical proportions, if a good eye is not kept on login times. Time online is money. We are forever trying to keep some kind of a check on it all, often with notepad and pencil. Log In Log is a facility that will enable you to keep track of all your logins and how much they cost you, and to charge others appropriately for their time spent online, on your machine. Features: * All the user needs to know, to configure Log In Log, are the local phone rates and/or server or other costs, which can be obtained from the local telephone directory or 'phone company and/or the internet server. * Supports multiple configurations, allowing seperate log files and/or configuration schemes for different users and situations. * Can display the log as a list of sessions (History), from which any session can be deleted or viewed, individually, or as a whole document (Log Viewer). * Can show an onscreen watch detailing time online and total costs, constantly updated. * Can display, also, a stopwatch to time specific events, such as large file downloads. * Can set off an alarm to remind the user when a preset time online has passed. At this point, extra time may be set, if required, or the user can switch the alarm off or even (using Trumpet Winsock) disconnect the telephone connexion, immediately. * The user can check out a hypothetical session to see what it would cost. * Gives the user the possibility to name sessions at login and comment on them at logoff. The titles and comments will be saved to the log. * Works using an 'exec loginlog.exe /s' statement in the Trumpet Winsock 'login.cmd' script file and an 'exec loginlog.exe /e' statement in the 'bye.cmd' script (or manually using commandline switches - /s and /e, to set up start log and end log icons, to click on at the appropriate moments). Supports automatic installation into script files. * Can jump straight to Log Viewer, History list,Test Session dialogue, Statistics dialogue, Configuration dialogue or the Help screen, directly, using command line switches - /v ,/h, /t, /=, /c or /? (or /help) respectively, allowing the creation of Program Manager icons for each separate function. * The user can set sound (*.wav) files to play on start of session, end of session alarm prompt and on each increment of 'phone charges. * Operates transparently, using zero resources, when timer is switched off, and very little, when switched on. * Calculates phone charges taking off-peak rates into account (including off-peak weekends, if appropriate). * Calculates any additional hourly charges, such as server account charges or computer rental. * Supplies statistics on any single session or on any set of sessions from any date to any date. * Is user-friendly, easy to learn to use and even aesthetically pleasing to the eye (at least, I think so :-)). * Is also distributed as shareware, so you can distribute the fully working, evaluation edition, freely on the internet or to your friends. * Automatically takes into account all possible settings in the [International] section of the win.ini file (n.b. decimal seperator must be a '.' (period, dot, full-stop)). * Registration is cheap (US$ 15), and, with registration, comes free or very cheap upgrades (The latest version will be sent shortly after registration (just e-mail tarotray@xs4all.nl, using the word Loginlog as subject.), by e-mail or snail-mail). * Lends itself easily to translation into other languages, as all text is stored in separate files. Anyone interested in translating the text files for any other purpose than their own use, must translate ALL text files in the archive, submit a copy of the translation to the author and get his (easily got) permission. No changes are made to the /windows or /windows/system directories (except the neccessity to add the Visual Basic runtime module, vbrun300.dll , and a small file, spin.vbx (included), to the windows\system directory, allowing easy uninstalling (just delete the loginlog directory and associated Program Manager icons) in the unlikely event that you find this program of no use to you. In reality, you are more likely to find it invaluable and a money saving boom. So register now, gain the benefits and afford me my dues;-) This application in it's entirety is copyrighted by it's author, Ray Selby, who is the sole proprietor of Goahead Imagination. It is prohibited under International Copyright laws to distribute the product, in any form, other than it's originally distributed form, without the express permission of the author. However, under no circumstances will the author or anyone involved in the distribution of the product accept liability for any loss or damage that may result from the use of this program. The application is being distributed in full as a shareware product, and MUST INCLUDE THIS FILE, unaltered. It is not freeware. Anyone who is finding this program useful is requested to contact the author tarotray@xs4all.nl (Ray Selby), by e-mail, to arrange payment of U.S.$15 or it's equivalent to cover time and expenses. All persons, registered in this way will receive the latest version of the program by snail-mail on floppy or by e-mail and will receive full support in any reasonable way possible, from the author, personally (by e-mail). Ray Selby October 1995 n.b. This application requires the files 'VBRUN300.dll' and 'SPIN.VBX' to exist in the 'WINDOWS\SYSTEM' directory. If they do not, vbrun300.dll can be obtained from Microsoft FTP and many other sites. Spin.vbx is usually included in the Log In Log shareware archive. List of Files in Log In Log Archive (version 1.00): These files should be kept in the same directory loginlog.exe Executionable lil100.asc Acii file containing text used by program loginlog.hlp Hypergraphic Help file lilr100.asc Ascii Registration Information File (unregistered edition only). These document files may be stored anywhere. lil100.txt This explanatory text file. read.me A short synopsis of the application with a pointer to this file. file_id.diz Standard Description In Zip file (public shareware edition only). This file should be placed in the \windows\system directory spin.vbx n.b. the file vbrun300.dll should also be in this directory, but is not included in the archive. It is available from many ftp sites. In addition, some archives may include some sample sound files. coin.wav connectf.wav diconnf.wav timesupf.wav The program creates the following files: An initiation file, loginlog.ini, which is placed in the same path as the main files. One or more configuration files with the extension '.cfg'. Names and paths chosen by the user. One or more log files with the extension '.log'. Names and paths chosen by the user. Occasionally, a temporary file with the name ~oginlog.tmp will be created and normally destroyed. When deleting items from the log, back-up log files with the extension '.bak' will be created. Known Limitations. The following are known limitations & incompatibilities with other applications of Log In Log. i) Use of Log In Log simultaneously with Private Idaho may cause a hung up computer, without even the possibility to reset with Ctrl-Alt-Del. The explanation for this, is still not known. ii) Some countries/'phone companies have an abnormal charging system for phone calls involving, often, innumerable different rates during a single day (see: liltips.txt). Although there have been various clever get-arounds for these problems, invented by users, it is virtually impossible to program Log In Log to take account of all these possibilities. iii) For Log In Log to work properly, the decimal seperator, configured in the Windows control panel, in the International applet, under Number Format, must be set to a '.' )period, full stop, point, dot). The relevant line in the win.ini file, under the [intl] section, should read 'sDecimal=.' - Any other setting may cause Log In Log to behave erratically.