Version 3.62 Enhancements.... (11/27/95), ----------------------------------------- Windows NT Shareware version includes English, German, and French modules. Windows 95 Approved when running Microsoft Mail 3.x server, not exchange. Fixed bug in Send Message function in Notify+ 16 and 32 ... Special thanks bugfinder to Patricia Combe Dutheil of Windsoft SA Version 3.61 Enhancements.... (11/13/95), ----------------------------------------- Windows NT (Mapi32) Supported with this version (3.61 16 bit) Multi-Language Support Enhanced, fixed button error in french copy. Version 3.60 Enhancements.... (11/11/95) ----------------------------------------- German and French Language Versions released in 16-bit shareware kit. NT Version of German and French to be released as Notify+ NT v3.7 Web site moved to: Version 3.5x Enhancements.... (10/2/95) ----------------------------------------- Fixed bug causing GP when DOS session has the focus, and notify goes off. Fixed bug in ExecuteHidden, that was esoteric. Released to CompuServe, Registration also available in SWREG 7226 Web Home Page for the latest versions: Version 3.4 Enhancements.... (8/17/95) ----------------------------------------- Fixed bug that was allowing the writing of global WaveFile entries to users personal .ini Fixed bug that forced a screen maximize on a DOS window that was previously un-maximized (in normal state) Fixed Goodbye wav sound to be on by default, not over-ridden w/ users wav file Version 3.3 Enhancements.... (6/30/95) ----------------------------------------- Added user-configurable .WAV sound file upon notification Added pc speaker .wav driver/playback support for notification Added ability to disable "goodbye" sound effect upon closing notify+ (DisableGoodbye=1) Added better diagnostic support when notify+ wont seem to start/execute Fixed [EXECUTE] and [EXECUTEHIDDEN] sections to read from user's personal notify.ini and not just noteshrd.ini (which is in post office directory) Added abilty for administrator to either locally or globally disable any notify+ buttons. Modify Notify+ to function properly under Windows 95 (requires Mail 3.2 however) Sample Complete NOTIFY.INI file: [Notify Options] ; There are 3 ticks per minute, so a setting of 12 = 4 mins. BotherAgainIn=12 ; Leave WaveFile= to enable internal "you've got mail" wav sound ; or set to full path and filename specification of a .wav file WaveFile= ; Puts notify+ icon where ever it was left on the desktop when last closed StickyIcon=0 XPos=21 YPos=528 ; 1 for sound card or pc speaker, 0 for no .wav sound playback devices Sound=1 ; ** Administrator options (global entries may also be in noteshrd.ini in postoffice server data directory) ** ; When Notify+ starts and inits, it always sets focus to program manager. set to 0 to disable GotoProgman=1 ; Allow "install in startup" option to be accessed by user InstallInStartup=1 ; Disable goodbye sound effect DisableGoodbye=0 ; Hide Buttons on notify screen if set to = 1 HideReadMessages=0 HideDisableNotify=0 HideRunEmail=0 HideOkIKnow=0 ; Hide Buttons on read message screen if set to = 1 HideOK=0 HideCancel=0 HideReply=0 HideDelete=0 HideForward=0 HideFiles=0 HideEmail=0 ; ** Administrator options - Execute programs section ** [EXECUTE] RUN=calc.exe [EXECUTEHIDDEN] RUN= Sample Complete NOTESHRD.INI file (located in your postoffice directory) [Notify Options] ; When Notify+ starts and inits, it always sets focus to program manager. set to 0 to disable GotoProgman=1 ; Allow "install in startup" option to be accessed by user InstallInStartup=1 ; Disable goodbye sound effect DisableGoodbye=0 ; Hide Buttons on notify screen if set to = 1 HideReadMessages=0 HideDisableNotify=0 HideRunEmail=0 HideOkIKnow=0 ; Hide Buttons on read message screen if set to = 1 HideOK=0 HideCancel=0 HideReply=0 HideDelete=0 HideForward=0 HideFiles=0 HideEmail=0 ; Execute parasite programs... [EXECUTE] RUN=CALC.EXE ; Execute parasite programs, but hide them... [EXECUTEHIDDEN] RUN= ; Hide the window of other currently running applications when notify+ starts up [HIDEALSO] CAPTION= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For you techies... here are code snippets of ini variables being read. This should cover every one of them.... pos = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "TopMost", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if(pos) { CheckMenuItem(hMenu, WM_USER+153, MF_CHECKED ); SetWindowPos(hWndMain, HWND_TOPMOST, 0,0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); } StickyIcon = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "StickyIcon", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); AllowInstall = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "InstallInStartup", 0, szSharedIni); GrabProgman = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "GotoProgman", 1, szSharedIni); // new disable options... disablegoodbye = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "DisableGoodbye", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (disablegoodbye==0) disablegoodbye = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "DisableGoodbye", 0, szSharedIni); hide_reademail = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideReadMessages", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (hide_reademail==0) hide_reademail = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideReadMessages", 0, szSharedIni); hide_disable = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideDisableNotify", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (hide_disable==0) hide_disable = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideDisableNotify", 0, szSharedIni); hide_runmsmail = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideRunEmail", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (hide_runmsmail==0) hide_runmsmail = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideRunEmail", 0, szSharedIni); hide_okiknow = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideOkIKnow", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (hide_okiknow==0) hide_okiknow = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideOkIKnow", 0, szSharedIni); hide_IDOK = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideOK", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (hide_IDOK==0) hide_IDOK = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideOK", 0, szSharedIni); hide_IDCANCEL = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideCancel", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (hide_IDCANCEL==0) hide_IDCANCEL = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideCancel", 0, szSharedIni); hide_IDC_REPLY = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideReply", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (hide_IDC_REPLY==0) hide_IDC_REPLY = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideReply", 0, szSharedIni); hide_IDC_DELETE = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideDelete", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (hide_IDC_DELETE==0) hide_IDC_DELETE = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideDelete", 0, szSharedIni); hide_IDC_FORWARD = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideForward", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (hide_IDC_FORWARD==0) hide_IDC_FORWARD = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideForward", 0, szSharedIni); hide_IDC_FILES = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideFiles", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (hide_IDC_FILES==0) hide_IDC_FILES = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideFiles", 0, szSharedIni); hide_IDC_MSMAIL = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideEmail", 0, "NOTIFY.INI"); if (hide_IDC_MSMAIL==0) hide_IDC_MSMAIL = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "HideEmail", 0, szSharedIni); // Get Wave Filename from .ini file. Check Personal, then check global. *szWavFile='\0'; if (!GetPrivateProfileString("Notify Options","WaveFile","\0",szWavFile,35,"NOTIFY.INI")) GetPrivateProfileString("Notify Options","WaveFile","\0",szWavFile,35,szSharedIni); *szString='\0'; if (GetPrivateProfileString("Custom Commands","E-Form Cache","\0",szString,35,"MSMAIL.INI")) EnableMenuItem(hMenu,WM_USER+147, MF_ENABLED ); // enable e-forms menu option *szString='\0'; AllowMenu=FALSE; CheckMenuItem(hMenu, WM_USER+151, MF_CHECKED ); ShowWindow(hWndMain, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED); UpdateWindow(hWndMain); if(StickyIcon) SendMessage(hWndMain,WM_CREATE,0,0); // Move icon to saved position Sound = GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "Sound", 1, "NOTIFY.INI"); // Check NOTIFY.INI for additional programs to start... *szString='\0'; GetPrivateProfileString("EXECUTEHIDDEN","RUN","\0",szString,15,"NOTIFY.INI"); if (*szString) WinExec (szString,SW_HIDE); *szString='\0'; GetPrivateProfileString("EXECUTE","RUN","\0",szString,15,"NOTIFY.INI"); if (szString) WinExec (szString,SW_NORMAL); *szString='\0'; // Check NOTESHRD.INI for additional programs to start... GetPrivateProfileString("EXECUTEHIDDEN","RUN","\0",szString,15,szSharedIni); if (*szString) WinExec (szString,SW_HIDE); *szString='\0'; GetPrivateProfileString("EXECUTE","RUN","\0",szString,15,szSharedIni); if (szString) WinExec (szString,SW_NORMAL); *szString='\0'; pos=GetPrivateProfileInt("Notify Options", "BotherAgainIn", 12, "NOTIFY.INI"); GetPrivateProfileString("HIDEALSO","CAPTION","\0",szString,15,szSharedIni); if (szString) { WNDENUMPROC wndenmprc; wndenmprc=(FARPROC)HideWindowProc; EnumWindows(wndenmprc,(LPARAM)((LPSTR)szString)); } } PostMessage(hWndMain,WM_COMMAND,IDM_ENABLENOTIFY,1); // PLAY BALL! Enable notification now!