Trumpet Winsock Troubleshooting Reference


What's new?

The latest version 16 bit version is Trumpet Winsock 2.1f. Make a backup copy of your trumpwsk.ini file before installing from earlier versions.

Trumpet Winsock for Windows 95 Beta version Sites:

  • Trumpet FTP site
  • Synapse FTP site

    This is an attempt to document some common problems that you may have with your Trumpet Winsock setup. If you have suggestions, find errors or have a solution you would like to add to this document, please e-mail it to me. I will include your e-mail address or name if you desire with the solution. Disclaimer.

    Sorry, but I do not have time to answer your personal Trumpet questions. Please post your questions to alt.winsock.trumpet for Trumpet support.

    I am a registered end user of Trumpet Winsock and not affiliated with Trumpet Software International.

    Use at your own risk.

    Copyright Notice: Copyright (c) Lynn D. Larrow 1995.
    You have permission to use this information in other FAQs or articles for non-commercial purposes, if you include this notice, and the URL to this page.

    Troubleshooting Menu

    Communications and Networking

  • 1.1 SLiRP/TIA doesn't work.
  • 1.2 I can manually login with Trumpet, but I can't get my login.cmd script to work.
  • 1.3 Trumpet Winsock loads Ok, but I have problems running winsock clients, e.g., Netscape.
  • 1.4 I have problems connecting to my server at 57,600 baud.
  • 1.5 I keep getting comm port overruns.
  • 1.6 I keep getting DNS lookup failures.
  • 1.7 How do I determine my DNS servers and gateway for my ISP?
  • 1.8 What are the optimal values for MTU and MSS?
  • 1.10 What does a complete trumpwsk.ini file for a TIA based connection look like?
  • 1.11 Multiple number redial script sample for Trumpet Winsock by Dave Houston.
  • 1.12a Where is the Official Trumpet Winsock FAQ?
  • 1.12b Where is the alt.winsock FAQ?
  • 1.13 What does a sample Trumpet Hosts file look like?
  • 1.14 What does a sample Trumpet Setup screen look like?
  • 1.15 Where can I get a good overview on SLIP and PPP? - Morningstar's Basic Treatise
  • 1.15 How can I have Trumpet automatically load a winsock client like Eudora?
  • 1.16 I get a Undefined Dynalink error message with Trumpet Winsock.
  • 1.17 I get a Enablecommnotification Failed error message with Trumpet Winsock.
  • 1.18 Trumpet just pauses when starting up, then gives the message "Unable to load TCP".
  • 1.19 Where can I find tcpmeter? Here! It is now included in 2.1F.
  • 1.20 What is a firewall? Where can I find a good firewall FAQ?
  • 1.21 Why are FTP file transfers slower than zmodem file transfers?
  • 1.22 Where is Trumpet 2.1f
  • 1.23 I use TIA, but would like to try SLiRP. How do I do this?
  • 1.24 I'm getting a "comm errors [FRAME] = x" after loading Trumpet and Netscape, etc.
  • 1.25 I'm using Windows 95. Are there any good FAQs for Windows 95?
  • 1.26 What's the difference between SLIP, PPP, and shell and which one is best for me?
  • 1.27 I have a problem with streaming zmodem file transfers with Trumpet Winsock 2.1F?

  • Troubleshooting Winsock Applications (Mail, Netscape, News, etc.)

  • More Help and Information

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    1.1 SLiRP/TIA doesn't work.

    1.2 I can manually login with Trumpet, but I can't get my login.cmd script to work.

    1.3 Trumpet seems to load properly, but I have problems running my winsock applications, e.g., newsreader, mail.

    1.4 I have problems connecting to my server at 57,600 baud.

    1.5 I keep getting comm port overruns.

    1.6 I have been using Netscape for months and all of a sudden I keep getting DNS lookup failures, except on the entries in my hosts file.

    1.7 How do I determine my DNS servers or gateway for my ISP?

    1.15 How can I have my Trumpet login script automatically load a winsock client like Eudora?

    1.16 I get a Undefined Dynalink error message from Netscape and Mosaic using Trumpet Winsock.

    1.17 I get a Enablecommnotification Failed error message with Trumpet Winsock.

    1.18 Trumpet just pauses when starting up, then gives the message "Unable to load TCP".

    1.21 Why should FTP file transfers be slower than zmodem file transfers?

    1.24 I'm getting a "comm errors [FRAME] = x" after loading Trumpet and Netscape, etc.

    1.25 I'm using Windows 95. Are there any good FAQs for Windows 95 and internet connectivity?

    1.26 What's the difference between SLIP, PPP, etc. and which one is best for me?

    1.27 I have a problem with streaming zmodem file transfers with Trumpet Winsock 2.1F?


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