Readme file for SSEYO Koan Plus Demo V1.1 27th October 1995 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WWW === Don't forget you can use SSEYO Koan Plus or SSEYO Koan Plus Demo as helper applications for WWW browsers such as Netscape(TM) or Mosaic(TM). Create your own pieces with SSEYO Koan Pro for use on the web. See our web page for more details ( How do I install SSEYO Koan Plus Demo? ====================================== If you have the disk version simply run the SETUP.EXE program from the disk. If you have the zip version do the following: 1) Copy the file to a temporary directory. 2) From a DOS command line prompt type (you will need PKUNZIP.EXE for this, alternatively use a Windows utility like WinZip): PKUNZIP KPLD1116.ZIP (note the space) 3) Run the SETUP.EXE program that is in this directory and follow the directions that you are given WINDOW SETTINGS =============== In the Demo version you will not be able to save any of your settings, such as; whether the modules are open/closed (it will always open with the modules open); Volume, Pan, Reverb and Chorus settings; Always on top; Menu bar visible/not visible. In addition, a small number of features are disabled, including MIDI file recording, editing of albums and forward/rewind. After playing for 5 minutes a notice will display saying that the Demo version will stop playing after 10 minutes. To restart it press play again. MIDI Mapper/ sound output ========================= If you get no sound (or only a few sounds) coming out of SSEYO Koan Plus make sure your MIDI Mapper is set up correctly. Look in the on-line help or refer to your soundcard instruction manual. Some soundcards come with default configurations that only use the first 10 MIDI channels, and Koan pieces often use more. You should make sure that all 16 channels are 'active'. Patches/ sounds =============== Although General MIDI is positioned as being a saviour for the music industry, as it defines a standard mapping for 128 different sounds, each soundcard has different qualities of sound for each 'patch' (various predefined sounds your soundcard plays). This means that the instruments that the pieces use will sound better/worse depending on the soundcard on which you play the piece, or on which card the piece was originally authored (no author can check their piece sounds good on every soundcard - which is where General MIDI provides some help). If you really do not like the particular patch on your card that corresponds to one used in a piece you can use the MIDI mapper to reassign say patch 39 to play as patch 40. Also, some soundcards support reverb or chorus which is very useful for ambient pieces. Koan pieces can also be written to take advantage of other useful controls, such as portamento or modulation for instance, but not many cards support these parameters. The volume of each patch will also vary from soundcard to soundcard. Slow or jumpy pieces ==================== We recommend a 486 33Mhz PC or better, especially for the more rhythmic pieces as the processing requirement can be quite high. However, slower machines can still run Koan Plus. You may need to set your Resolution and Cycle values (Setup Options) to higher values, maybe 50, 100, 200 or even higher - refer to the on-line help for further discussion. Higher values can even sometimes help to give it that extra smoothness (at the expense of rhythmic accuracy) even with more powerful machines. If the software is making too many demands on your processor you can select Low priority mode, again refer to the on-line help. Time it takes to stop a piece ============================= This is directly governed by your soundcard windows driver, and some are faster than others. Gravis Ultrasound ================= Make sure you set up your MIDI Mapper to use the 'Ultrasound' setup (for patch caching apps) and not any of the other setups like Ultra 1024, Ultra 512 or Ultra 256 which are for non-patch caching applications. If you don't do this then some patches might be loaded incorrectly. Other Notes: ============= Don't forget you can purchase new pieces or even create your own with Koan Pro. Contact SSEYO for details. By using SSEYO Koan Plus V1.1 Demo you agree to be bound by the the terms of the software license agreement found in the LICENSE.TXT file installed with the software. Support: ======= Sorry, but no support is given for the Demo product. SSEYO contact details: ===================== Tel: +44 (0)1494 671257 Fax: +44 (0)1494 671258 CompuServe: GO SSEYO Internet: WWW: