Here are a couple of REXX scripts for use with ZOC and the OS/2 Shareware BBS. These scripts will automatically call the BBS, log on, download the requested file(s) then log off. The scripts are virtually identical except one, "OS2NEW.REX", only downloads the OS2NEW.ZIP file, while "GETFILES.REX" allows you to enter up to ten file names for downloading. The scripts are no-brainers to use, but need a little setup inorder to customize them for your needs. A.) INSTALLATION Start ZOC and check the location of the default directory were it expects to find scripts. To do this click the "OPTIONS" menu item, then "GLOBAL" and finally "DIRECTORIES/SOUNDS". Check the path for the heading "SCRIPTS". The default path is usually "scripts", i.e., X:\ZOC\SCRIPTS, where X is the drive containing ZOC. Next unzip and move the two files "OS2NEW.REX" and "GETFILES.REX" to this sub-directory. B.) SCRIPT CUSTOMIZATION Using the OS/2 System Editor (or the REXX editor in ZOC) open one of the scripts. You will see the following five lines; USER_NAME="XXXXX XXXXXXX" /* your name as registered with the BBS (put in quotes) */ PASSWORD="XXXX" /* your password as registered with the BBS (put in quotes) */ BBS_NUM="#-###-###-####" /* the BBS phone number (put in quotes) */ MIN_SPEED=##### /* minimum connect speed you'll accept (NO QUOTES) */ MAX_ATTEMPTS=# /* maximum number of times to retry the call (NO QUOTES) */ Use the editor and change these entries to your information. Save the file and repeat for the second script. C.) SETTING UP ZOC Inorder for these scripts to work truly hands off you need to have ZOC come up in "Unattended" mode. To do this simply open the setting notebook of the ZOC icon and put "/U" in the parameters field. That way you will not need to respond to any acknowledgements ("OK" buttons). Second, and this is optional, start ZOC and click on the "OPTIONS" menu item. Select "SETTINGS" and click on the "BUTTONS" tap. Under the "BUTTON TEXT" heading backspace out the number "1" and type in OS2NEW. Move to the "VALUE" field and enter "^RUN=OS2NEW.REX" (without quotes). Do the same for line "2" but make the text say GETFILES and the value say ^RUN=GETFILES.REX. When finished click the "SAVE" button. Now you have two custom buttons to call up these automated features. D.) USING THE SCRIPTS OS2NEW - Within ZOC click on the button for this script. The system will call the BBS, log on, download the file and log off (with a 28800 modem this takes about 20-25 seconds). GETFILES - After clicking on this script's button you are presented with a type-in box. Enter the name of the first file to download (full name with extension). You can stop the routine at any time by simply clicking the "CANCEL" button. After typing in the file name press [Enter] or click the "OK" button, a second type-in box will come up. Continue filling in the boxes, up to a maximum of 10. When you've filled in all the file names you want simply press [Enter] or click "OK" while an empty type-in box is displayed and the script takes over from there. NOTES: If you're handy at all with REXX you can easily modify these scripts to work with other BBS's and other tasks. THE LEGAL STUFF: This archive is FREEWARE. That means if you downloaded them or received them from an admirer, they're yours. You may change them as you see fit, give them away, throw them away, upload them, can even impress your friends and take credit for them. WARRANTY: These files are guaranteed to do nothing more than take up room on your hard drive...PERIOD! AUTHOR: Bob Pelletier DeWitt, IA Long time OS/2 user.