| | 2nd December, 1995 | +---------------------+------------------------------------------- | iEdit v.Uranus beta | This utility is Postcardware | by | This means that you may freely | use and distribute it as long as Alexander Wilkens | it is not modified in any way. | If you use this program you are of | encouraged to send me a postcard | from your hometown. A small price iLogic Software, 1995 | to pay and it means much to me! | ----------------------+ Email address: wilkens@stud.cs.uit.no | | Mail: Alexander Wilkens | Hansmarkveien 37 | 9013 Tromsoe | Norway | +-------------------------------------------- This beta is provided as is. The author can not be held responsible for any lost data, or other damage occuring directly or indirecly from the use of iEdit. However, this beta is considered SAFE in use as the author has personally it used for about a year now. No documentation is provided at this stage, other than a small summary of the REXX commands available. The file and edit menus work 100%, statistics in the special menu is currently not implemented. Configure should work, and help does nothing. Settings are saved in IEDIT.INI in the same directoy as you put iEdit. Features that may and may no be implemented: -------------------------------------------- -REXX command for filerequester -REXX command for YES/NO/CANCEL dialog -REXX command for search -REXX command for text input requester -REXX command for writing in the statline (bottom left) -statistics (words, chars, lines, etc. in document) -Read only mode for file viewing -Ability to add rexx scripts to menu -Wordstar similar shortcuts REXX command summary: --------------------- rc = edMessageBox("messagebox") * Messagebox popup min_sel = edQuerySelMin() * Returns min selection point (top/leftmost) max_sel = edQuerySelMax() * Returns min selection point (bottom/rightmost) cur_pos = edQueryCursorPos() * Returns cursor position anc_pos = edQueryAnchorPos() * Returns anchor position tex_len = edQueryTextLength() * Returns text length lin_len = edQueryLineLength(linenum) * Returns line length lin_cnt = edQueryLineCount() * Returns line count sel_tex = edQuerySelText() * Returns selected text all_tex = edQueryText() * Returns entire text fil_nam = edQueryFilename() * Returns filename fil_nam = edSetFilename("filename") * Sets the filename cur_chr = edQueryCurrentChar() * Returns character at cursor cur_lin = edQueryCurrentLine() * Returns text at current line rc = edLoadFile("filename") * Load file rc = edSaveFile("filename") * Save file rc = edImport("filename") * Import at cursor position rc = edExport("filename") * Export selected text rc = edInsertText("text") * Insert text at curs position rc = edSetText("text") * Replace all contents with "text" rc = edSetCurrentChar("char") * Replace char at cursor position rc = edSetCurrentLine("line") * Replace current line with "line" Known bugs: edSetCurrentLine() * Note: Does not preserve selection! * Bug: Does not work correctly on last line! -- The following are new in v.Uranus -- rc = edSetCursorPos(pos) * Places the cursor at pos rc = edSetAnchorPos(pos) * Places the anchor at pos rc = edGotoLine(line num) * Sets anchor and cursor at line num (first line = 1) linenum = edQueryCurrentLineNum() * Returns the current line number That's ALL folks! Enjoy!