INIEdit/2 Version 1.3 Documentation Written by Adam Van de Berghe INIEdit/2 is a powerful OS/2 INI editing program. You can explore your OS/2 System and User INI's as well as any program's INI that follows the OS/2 format You can also create your own INI files. INIEdit/2 has many features and you should make note of all of them before using this program. The following is a complete list of all these options: - Under the File Menu - - New: Start a new INI file. You can modify this empty INI file. This is a way of creating your own INI. - Open: Closes the currently open INI file and open an existing one. - Close: Closes the currently open INI file. - Generate Code: Maps out the currently open INI file into a text file specified by you. You can then print this to your printer or do whatever you want. (Read below for more info) - Exit: Closes the currently open INI file and exits the program. - Under the Ini Menu - - System: Closes the currently open INI file and opens your OS/2 System INI file. - User: Closes the currently open INI file and opens your OS/2 User INI file. - Under the QuickList Menu - - This is a list of the last 10 INI files you opened. It's a quick referance for frequently worked on INI files. - Under the Options Menu - - Confirmation: If the "On" option is checked, you will be asked to confirm on an entry deletion. Otherwise, you are not prompted. - Read Only: If checked, no editing of the currently open INI file is allowed. - Tools: If checked, the Tool Bar will appear. - Font...: This allows you to change the font for the Application and Keyword lists. - Under the Help Menu - - General Help: Displays INIEdit/2's general help. - Product Information: Displays the programs version number and product information. If registered, the registration information is displayed. - Register: Only available if your copy is unregistered. Select this item when you recieve your personal registration number. If the information you enter is correct, the program becomes registered. - On the Pop-Up Menu - - Add Entry: Add an Application or Keyword entry. - Delete Entry: Delete the currently selected Application or Keyword entries. There are two lists in this program. One is the Application list and the other is the Keyword list. The Application list is on the left. When you open an INI file, all of it's Application entries will be listed in this box. By double clicking on any one of the entries, it's associated Keywords will appear in the box to the right. If you double click on any one of the Keyword entries, you can view and edit it's value. You can select multiple Application or Keyword entries by clicking on any one entry and dragging the cursor across the other entries while holding in the mouse button. You can then bring up a pop-up menu by clicking on button two. If your Read Only option is not checked, you can Add or Delete all of the selected entries. The Tool Bar is an object that will let you move around INIEdit/2 a bit easier. It currently has five buttons: - New - Open - Close - Generate Code - Exit These options are all found under the File Menu and they do the same thing. Your Tool Bar can roam around your desktop seperatly from the main program. If you want to get rid of the Tool Bar, uncheck the Tools option under the Options menu. The Generate Code option can generate code in two formats. One format is the INIEdit/2 format which is default. The other is the MakeINI format. If you choose the MakeINI format, you can re-create your INI file by using MAKEINI.EXE program and the generated code. Since your OS/2 System INI stores binary information, the MakeINI utility will not work with the generated code for the OS2SYS.INI. I do not recomend this for backing up INI files. If you want to back up INI files, copy them to a disk. This program requires that you have the VROBJ runtime library in a directory stated in your LIBPATH. One such would be \OS2\DLL. VROBJ.DLL version is 2.1 patch level D and is supplied in this archive. If an error occurrs, a file called INIEDIT2.ERR will be created in the home directory of INIEdit/2. E-mail me this error message along with the procedure you took that caused this error. This will help me narrow down the problem so I can fix it faster. There is only one known problem with INIEdit/2. If you mess up INIEdit/2's information in your OS2.INI file, then INIEdit/2 might not start. This is bad because you will not be able to use INIEdit/2 to correct the problem! Be very careful with what you edit! - Trademarks - OS/2 is a trademark of IBM Corporation. Please make sure you read the LICENSE.DOC file supplied in this archive. This contains information you should know about. This is a SHAREWARE copy of INIEdit/2 Version 1.3. Refer to REGISTER.TXT for more information about registering your copy. If you have any questions or comments reguarding INIEdit/2 Version 1.3, you can email me on the internet at