Package : PMCrypt Version : V1.00.00 Platform : OS/2 2.1 or greater. Licence : Freeware - Do what you like with it ! Author : A.Gawthrope. 1995 Function : To allow any binary or ascii file to be encrypted, thus denying access by unauthorised persons, then decrypted by someone with the appropriate keys at a later date. General Description : The encryption system is a secret key system providing encryption for civil / lower security tasks. (Providing the eight keys required are kept secret) it will provide good security against linear attacks. Certainly good enough for the majority. I'm certainly not claiming it cannot be broken given time, computer and skill. Required Components : PMCrypt.exe PMCrypt.dll applib.dll crypt.dll Install : Create a new folder/directory anywhere on your system, and copy the above files into it. From this directory you can now execute 'PMCrypt'. If you execute 'PMCrypt' from another directory be sure that there is an entry in your LIBPATH variable (found in file 'config.sys') which indicates to the operating system where to find the DLL's. *** Note *** The software will create a settings file called 'PMCrypt.ini' in the directory where the software is executed. To avoid creating duplicates of this file I would suggest that you install all the files in a single place and change to that directory/folder before executing the software. Usage Guidelines : Within the settings dialog it is possible to set default keys. These are used for encryption and decryption when the user does not generate any other keys. As the default keys are stored along with the other settings details this is a weakness if the user relies upon these keys. A set of keys for the current session can be generated and used for encryption / decryption whilst the software is running. These are not stored anywhere when the software is not being used. Futhermore one time keys can be generated for each individual encryption or decryption. Again these are not stored when the software is not being used. Once a file has been encrypted with a set of keys, decryption will only work if the USER supplies these keys again. The software does not keep track in anyway of what keys encrypted what file. Emails : If you have any comments then please post them to : Version Release History Date Comments ======= ========== ======== 1.00.00 07-10-1995 First release. There is currently no online help available, this is being developed right now.