readme.txt for ButtonMaker/VB 1.2 included files ============== about.frm - part of sample.mak bm.exe - ButtonMaker/VB 1.2 program bm12.wri - ButtonMaker/VB 1.2 documentation bmswap.frm - part of sample.mak bmswap.frx - part of sample.mak cmdialog.vbx - VB Common Dialog Custom Control ctl3dv2.dll* - 3D engine for ButtonMaker/VB readme.txt - this file sample.mak - VB sample app sample.txt - VB sample app doc skeleton.frm - part of sample.mak skeleton.frx - part of sample.mak *IMPORTANT: MOVE CTL3DV2.DLL TO YOUR WINDOWS SYSTEM DIRECTORY!! To run BM.EXE the Microsoft VBRUN300.DLL is required. If you do not have VBRUN300.DLL you can download it from most online services and bulletin board systems. - Who is APG?? ================================================================= APG develops computer games for Windows. ButtonMaker/VB was used to create the toolbar buttons for APG's "Dave Dude" game. If you'd like to take a look at it, CompuServe: GO GAMERS or GO VBPJFO and search for "DAVE DUDE".