REGISTER AND GET BONUS SOURCE CODE! Everyone who registers or upgrades MAXLIB For PB not only receives a registered copy of the latest version of MAXLIB (one that won't print the copyright message as your program ends). They also get the valuable bonus package described below. GET COMPLETE SOURCE CODE FOR TEN INLINE ASSEMBLER ROUTINES Register or upgrade and you'll get the source code for ten different PowerBASIC routines, written in inline assembler for extra speed. If you want to learn more about inline assembler, looking at this source code will provide a valuable lesson. If you don't want to learn about inline assembler, just $INLCUDE the code into your application and watch it fly! The routines are: RINSTR - a reverse INSTR routine TOKENIZE - parses text, based on one or more delimiter chars ARRYINIT - fill an integer array with non-zero values GETKEY - like INKEY$, but easier to use with extended keys MIDASC - get the ASCII value of chars in mid-string RAND - returns random integers in a specified range SEEDRAND - provides a timer-based seed to Rand DRVREADY - see if a floppy drive is ready to use PRNREADY - see if LPT1 is ready to use PROGNAME - get the name and path the program was started from GET A SOURCE CODE FORMATTING PROGRAM, FREE! Do you ever use code that you didn't write yourself? Has your own coding style developed over the years and become clearer, but you still use your older code that isn't as well laid out? Then, you could probably use a source code formatting program. Now, one comes free, when you register or upgrade MAXLIB! This code formatter is pretty full-featured, and very configurable. To give you a small idea of its power, it is smart enough to capitalize (if you want) the keyword FOR, and still not change the word "for" inside of literal strings, or inside comments, or in DATA statements -- it even recognizes multi-line comments set apart by $IF 0 / $ENDIF pairs, too. Using this program you can: - individually change each keyword according to your preference; you are't required to choose all upper or all lower case. You can easily mix case exactly the way you want to. - set a maximum line width and break up long lines, readably! Or disable this feature and leave your long code lines intact. - control indent style, with different indents for: + top level code + each nested level within loops and IF/THEN statements, etc. + line labels - replace each "REM" with "'", or vice versa (or do nothing). - replace each "ASM" with "!", or vice versa (or do nothing). - replace each "?" with "PRINT", or vice versa (or do nothing). - add overlines/underlines to set apart the beginning of SUBS or FUNCTIONS, using one linechar for SUBS and another for FUNCTIONS (or do nothing). - much more!! And if you register for the developer version of MAXLIB, you'll get the source code to PBFORMAT, so you can customize it.