MultiText VBX 1.30 ================== MultiText (mtext.vbx) is a Visual Basic VBX for displaying text using multiple fonts, font styles and colors. Other features include support for hypertext, tables, and RTF conversion. Full instructions are included in the mtext.hlp file. Any queries should be sent to me at or to Steve Bannister 41 Milton Street Northampton NN2 7JG England This software is shareware and may be copied and distributed freely so long as all accompanying files are kept intact. ---FILE_ID.DIZ------------------------------- (v1.30) MultiText VBX (mtext.vbx). Visual Basic VBX for displaying of hypertext, multiple fonts, font styles, colors and tables. Text may be copied to clipboard. Text can be loaded direct from disk and converted from RTF. Demo included. Shareware USD25 or GBP15. Steve Bannister, ---------------------------------------------