BIRTHDAY REMINDER V 1.1 ======================= Written in Delphi, the function of this program is simply to allow the user to maintain a list of birthdays, and be warned automatically on Windows startup of impending birthdays hopefully in time to get the card in the mail. The program has two modes; the first to allow editing of the birthday list, and the second which runs from Windows startup group, and presents the user with a dialog box each time Windows starts showing birthdays coming up in the next 30 days. Each event is marked by a name, the date of the forthcoming birthday, and the number of days until the event. The program then closes automatically when the user acknowledges that he/she has read the message. Its simple and quick to set up and maintain the list. Extracting the program. ======================= Simply extract the program and it's data file to the directory in which you wish it to reside. Setting up the list. =================== Double Click on the program icon to load Birthday Reminder. Any data currently in the data file is loaded into the list box. Controls are provided to add, edit or delete birthdates and names. Data is entered in the following format: NAME: 20 characters, Surname first. BIRTHDATE: 10 charcters, date order as specified by your international setting, either DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY. All program functions are accessible via a menu, or speed bar button. When the user exits, the program will prompt to save the data to disk if it has changed. Note. Although the birthday data file is a simple text file, direct editing should be avoided. Starting the program in scan mode. ================================== Simply add Birthday Reminder to Windows start up group, and in the "Program Item Properties" dialog, set the command line to Birthday.exe Scan, where is the dos directory where you have installed the program. Each time Windows starts you will be presented with the scan dialog box showing forthcoming birthdays. Press ENTER, or click on OK to acknowledge the message, and the program will close. The data file contains some dummy data to demonstrate the program. The dates here are in DD/MM/YYYY format. If your international setting shows a format of MM/DD/YYYY for dates, then the program will cause an error unless you adjust your international setting or edit the birthday data ( which can be done readily in the program ). My thanks to George Vorhauer for pointing out this bug. VERSION 1.1 contains an altered hint message alerting users to date entry in the appropriate format, and also uses the system font for display. This was felt necessary since some users systems substituted a proportional font for the list and text boxes, which rather spoils the columnar display. Comments and suggestions are very welcome. This program is Freeware. I accept no responsibility for any havoc it may cause on your system. Mark Slaski, Compuserve 100243,3364