README file for the 3-D Form Code and Example. The self extracting archive should have contained the following files: README.TXT - This file. FORM3D.PAS - Source code for the TForm3D class. SYSMET.PAS - Source code for the TSystemMetrics class. FORM3DEX.DPR - Delphi project for the 3-D form example. FFORM3D.DFM - Main form for the 3-D form example. FFORM3D.PAS - Source for Main form. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please read through this entire file before using the accompanying files. Description ----------- The TForm3D class allows non-dialog forms to sport the 3-D Dialog border. It also allows form resizing to be turned on/off easily with a run-time property. MDI forms(Frame and Child) are not currently supported. The TSystemMetrics class is a simple utility class for reading and caching system metrics normally retrieved from the Windows GetSystemMetrics function. It also provides a function for determining Windows version information. It is required by the TForm3D class. Running the Sample ------------------ To run the sample application, open the FORM3DEX project in Delphi and click the run button. Using the TForm3D Class ----------------------- The TForm3D class is a descendant of the standard TForm class. The easiest way to use the class is to modify the class declaration of your form to derive from TForm3D instead of TForm. Replace: type TForm1 = class(TForm) With: type TForm1 = class(TForm3D) And add the Form3D unit to the forms uses clause. Alternatively, the TForm3D class could be made into a template form. Legal Issues ------------ This code is supplied AS IS. No warranties are provided. Users of this code assume all liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from its use. The copyright holder retains all rights except as explained below. The code may be used free of charge to build both commercial and non-commercial applications except where a primary purpose of the application is to duplicate and redistribute the capabilities provided by the code. In addition, for any commercial use, the following 2 conditions must be met: 1) The author ( see contact info below ) is notified of the use, including the company and application name, and an acknowledgment is received from the author. 2) The authors copyright must be recognized and distibuted as part of the product in some reasonably detectable way. For other arrangements contact the author listed below. History ------- 05/04/95 - Initial Release 05/16/95 - Added Windows version check to disable 3D drawing under Win95. - Added Iconinc check to disable 3D drawing while iconized. Contact Information ------------------- Please direct any questions, comments, problems, or other inquiries to: Alan Ciemian Ciemian Computer Services Compuserve: 70134,611 Internet: