Delphi MIDI I/O Components Version 1.0 4 July 1995 -------------------------- ------------------------ These components handle low-level MIDI input and output using the Windows multimedia MIDI functions. They encapsulate all the nasty low-level stuff into some intermediate-level components. They support both short MIDI messages (e.g. note on/off, program change) and long MIDI messages (e.g. system exclusive, sample dumps). To install the components: 1. Use Delphi's Options|Install Components to install MIDIIN.PAS and MIDIOUT.PAS. This should give you MIDI input and output components on the Samples tab. 2. Load the project DELPHMID and select Compile|Build All to build DELPHMID.DLL. 3. Load the project MIDIMON and try running it. There's no formal documentation, but there are lists of properties, methods, and events in the headers of MIDIIN.PAS and MIDIOUT.PAS. There's also a couple of example projects: MIDIMON.PAS is a simple monitor that demonstrates using components created at design time, and MULTIMON.PAS demonstrates using multiple input and output components created at runtime. If you need to know more about MIDI messages you can get a nice package of MIDI documentation by sending an email message to with GET MIDISPEC PACKAGE in the message body. These components are in the public domain so feel free to produce any type of program based on them. The components were thrown together fairly quickly and still have a few rough edges. As they're my first Delphi components I'd appreciate any feedback and suggestions for improvement. Of course there may be a few bugs, so if you find any please let me know. My email address is