CompuPic README.TXT file - 08/29/95 1.01 Build 58 Welcome to CompuPic! The award winning graphics utility for Windows. Published by: Photodex Corporation 1781 Barcelona Street Livermore, CA 94550 e-mail: WWW: CompuServe: GO PHOTODEX (Address: 74774,3570) America Online: Keyword PHOTODEX (Screen Name: Photodex) (510) 449-9079 - Voice (510) 449-3519 - FAX Questions and Answers ===================== Q: How do I get support for CompuPic? ------------------------------------- A: Write an e-mail message using one of the e-mail services listed above. Photodex checks and responds to e-mail and forum messages daily. You may also call or fax if you like. Q: What file formats does CompuPic support? ------------------------------------------- A: CompuPic supports most common image and multimedia formats: AVI - BMP - DIB - FLI - FLC - FLX - GIF - HLP - JPEG - MIDI MOV - MPEG - PCC - PCD - PhotoCD - PiNG - PCX - QuickTime RLE - RMI - TGA - TEXT - TIFF - Video - Wallpaper - WAV Q: How can I suggest changes to CompuPic? ----------------------------------------- A: Write an e-mail message using one of the e-mail services listed above. Photodex *loves* suggestions, and it helps keep CompuPic the best you can get. We actually *do* listen and make changes based on users' suggestions. Q: How do I register CompuPic? ------------------------------ A: With CompuPic running, Pull down the 'Help' menu and select the 'Ordering CompuPic' option. Registration takes just a few minutes and is done using a registration password, so you will be up and running instantly. Q: Which version of CompuPic do I have? --------------------------------------- A: At the top of this file, there is a date, a version number and a build number. The version number is related to significant feature improvements and the build number is related to minor problem fixes. Q: How often does Photodex release new versions? ------------------------------------------------ A: New versions of CompuPic are released VERY often. For the latest version, check the PHOTODEX forum on CompuServe or America On-line. Try to keep updated as Photodex is always fixing small problems and adding new features. Q: How do I get the latest version? ----------------------------------- A: Check the Photodex forum on CompuServe (GO PHOTODEX) or America On-line (Keyword PHOTODEX), or the Photodex WWW home page ( The current version and build numbers are always listed in these places. Q: How may I distribute CompuPic? --------------------------------- A: The CompuPic software may be distributed freely in the original form from any one of Photodex's authorized distribution points. You are not permitted to modify CompuPic from it's original (self-extracting) form, and you are not permitted to distribute your installed copy. Distribution of any Photodex registration passwords is illegal, and is punishable by law. Please refer to the licensing agreement in the program for further details. Q: CompuPic won't start (General Protection Fault at 0012:xxxx in IF16.DLL) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A: The file DEF.PHD has somehow become corrupted. Delete the file called DEF.PHD in the same directory as CPIC.EXE. This is the file that CPIC uses to store it's information in. If the problems persist, please contact Photodex technical support.