CATADISK: Installation Instructions Note: ----- Cat-A-Disk uses the Dynamic Link Library "VBRUN300.DLL" You must have the file "VBRUN300.DLL" in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory to run programs created with Visual Basic 3.0. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start Windows, then select File and Run... from the menu bar. A window will pop up asking you to enter the name of the file to run. Enter the drive and directory where you placed the files, followed by "\SETUP" (without the quotation marks) and press the "Enter" key (may be marked "Return" on some keyboards.) For instance,if all the files are in the root directory of a floppy disk in drive A:, you will type "A:\SETUP" (do not type the quotation marks) and press "Enter". If the files are in a subdirectory called "DOWNLOAD" on drive C:, you will type "C:\DOWNLOAD\SETUP" and press "Enter". When setup has finished loading.............. Enter a drive and directory name for the destination path. such as "C:\CATADISK" The setup program will create the Directory,Copy all the files and create a new group in your Program Manager with an icon. -EOF-