A Message from the Developer: First I want to thank you VERY much for your patience in waiting for this all-new edition of FontSpec Pro. My goal during development was to try and satisfy the many requests I had received from current users on improving the product. Of course, I was fighting time every step of the way. There are many more improvements yet to be made and I want you to know I am committed to producing the finest font manager available. Making a product which supports Windows'95, Windows/NT, Windows for Workgroups, and Windows 3.x was no small matter. Especially since fonts are handled differently for each platform. If you are reading this message then it means you either upgraded from a previous version or you purchased FontSpec between June 10th and September 10th (so your upgrade was free). Those of you who paid for the upgrade were supposed to receive 50 free fonts. But, as the project came closer to being completed, it became clear that there just wasn't enough space to include that many fonts... regardless of my good intentions. I have included as many free fonts as possible and want to apologize for not being able to include all 50. The new version of the software is much larger than I had anticipated. Some things you should be aware of if you are using Windows/NT: Although FontSpec supports Postscript fonts, Windows/NT does not (yet). Also, NT has a flaw in handling sorted listboxes, so some fonts many not be sorted properly. These are Windows/NT problems, not FontSpec Pro. Finally, the speed of the program needs to be improved but, since many of you called and asked about the upgrade, I am releasing it now so you can start using it. Please check with the on-line services for a free upgrade which will be posted within the next 60 days (the filename will be "FSP71.ZIP"). Again, thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy using FontSpec Pro.