IDate -- Personal Organizer cum Reminder for MS Windows Shareware Version 3.00a Serial Number: 0041-0-2-002-005-1S Copyright (C) 1993-1995 Chiam Yih Wei All Rights Reserved. ========================================================================== IDate is a personal organizer which is designed to remind the user of upcoming dates and appointments. It is rather small and easy to use, and has an accompanying on-line help file. IDate has an internal data base manager, which helps organize the dates and messages that go with them. Messages will pop-up to your screen upon loading MS Windows when you put IDate in the StartUp group of Program Manager. You can customize IDate so that messages will start popping-up from a specified period of time from the actual date intended, i.e. an Early Warning System. You may also choose to setup IDate such that it will not allow Windows to shut down before you read all your messages for the day. Perfect for reminders of birthdates, anniversaries, appointments, deadlines etc. Use IDate to generate reminders for the week, month or even year! It is written in Microsoft Visual Basic 3.0 (Professional Edition) and needs VBRUN300.DLL to run. IDate also needs CMDIALOG.VBX (included in the IDATE30A.ZIP file), MMSYSTEM.DLL, VER.DLL and COMMDLG.DLL. IDate is Shareware! Please register if you wish to use IDate for more than the 21-day trial period. Failure to comply with this condition is a violation of United States and international copyright laws. Please refer to the file REGISTER.TXT and the Notice in the ID300A.HLP file for more information. The evaluation copy of IDate is distributable freely, so long as the file IDATE30A.ZIP is not modified in any way and is circulated in its original form. Updates and new releases for IDate will be announced in the PTLabs WWW Shareware Page at URL: ========================================================================== THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS-IS". NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. ANY REMEDY FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES WILL NOT BE PROVIDED. ========================================================================== Contents of IDATE30A.ZIP: FILE_ID.DIZ README.TXT ID300A.EXE ID300A.HLP REGISTER.TXT HISTORY.TXT CMDIALOG.VBX