5 Objects Outline "This window is accessed from the Create Map window when it is required to either define a new object or update an existing one. The range of definitions enable almost any inanimate object to be defined with a wide range of properties and effects. Further information on defining the various areas of the objects can be found in other help topics as follows: Descriptions - Each object can be described at different levels: (SEE Object Descriptions) Qualities - An object may possess a combination of qualities: (SEE Object Qualities) Effect on Player - An object may have varying and different effects on the player's attributes. (SEE Effect on Player Attributes) An object may either be initially located on the ground or held by the player or a character: (SEE Initial Location)" Object Descriptions "Descriptions are provided at several levels: Name: The short name of the object used in listings. Description on Sight: A description given to the player when the object is first seen, or on request. Description on Use: A description of how the object functions when used. Description on Last Use: The final description of the object when it reaches its maximum number of uses. Icon and Sound: An icon can be selected to show with the description, as can a sound." Object Qualities "A number of qualities can be applied to an object, many in combination. These are described as follows: OPENS GATES: The object is a key. It is either a gate-specific key, as generated by the Key for Gate menu function on the Create Map window, a master key. If it is a specific key, the location of gate is shown in this box. A specific-gate key cannot have any other quality except invisibility, monetray value, or number of usages. Selecting the 'Master key' check box will over-rule any specific key selection. INVISIBILITY: If checked the object is invisible and can only be seen with infra-red vision. CLIMB OBSTACLES: If checked the object can be used to help climb obstacles (eg a rope). PROTECTS FROM HAZARD: If checked the object protects from invisible hazards (eg gas mask, radiation suit, magic shield) LIGHTS DARK AREAS: The object is a torch or similar device. This is a special device in that an object with this quality requires the Player's Torch Life attribute to have a value in order to be usable. IS WORN: The object is worn. Its effect is continuous, either on a cell-by-cell basis, or its effect is applied when it is put on and stopped when removed, depending on the setting of the consumptive effect/reversed after use attribute. IS FIXED: The object cannot be moved from its defined cell. The player can 'take it' so that they can use it, but they then become fixed until they drop it. Fixed objects cannot have any other quality other than invisibility and number of usages. IS MONEY: The object is money. Money is a special object, in that the player only ever holds one object of money. Any other items of money found along the way are added to their cumulative money amount. Money cannot have any other quality, other than a monetary value. MONETARY VALUE: The basic value of the object in money. Characters may not necessarily buy or sell for this price, but it gives a guide to the value. NUMBER OF USAGES: How many usages can be made of an object before it breaks, is consumed or disappears. USE ONLY WHEN OTHER OBJECTS HELD: Defines if a device can only be used if another object is held. For example, the torch batteries cannot be used to recharge the torch unless the torch is held. A tin of food may need a tin opener. A floppy disk needs a computer to work and vice versa." Effect on Player Attributes "An object may have a number of effects on the Player's attributes of Energy, Skill, Willpower, Luck, Torch Life, Sight and Hearing. However, the way in which the effect is applied to these attributes is fundamental EITHER, their is a consumptive effect on each use, ie, every time the object is used the effect is applied. A typical object of this nature would be a package of food: 1 pack of 3 sandwiches would have a consumptive effect on each of 3 usages (number of usages set to 3) Care must therefore be taken with objects which are worn and defined in this way as they will tend to maximise or minimise a player's attributes after a few moves. OR, the effect is reversed after use. Whilst the object is in use the player's attribute(s) is/are effected: when usage ceases the effect is reversed. A typical object would be weapon which only increased skill whilst it was being used. The attributes themselves have been described in the EDIT OBJECTS help on the CREATE MAP window. For each attribute, the following can be defined: +/- Whether the attribute is increased (+) or decreased (-) as a result of the use of the object. Minimum: In a range from 0-12, this is a fixed element of the change of that attribute. + Random: In a range from 0-12, this is a random element of the change of that attribute. The minimum and random elements together generate the change of that attribute. For example: A setting of 9 minimum and 0 random will always generate a value of 9. A setting of 0 minimum and 9 random will generate a value from 0 to 9. A setting of 9 minimum and 9 random will generate a value from 9 to 18. EFFECT ON SIGHT AND HEARING Finally, the object may have an effect on sight and/or hearing, or no effect." Initial Location "An object can either be located on the ground, with the player, or on a character, as selected. If the latter option box is selected, then the character holding the object must also be defined. Characters cannot hold money objects - they are defined as having money separately."