MDB2ISAM.TXT This file describes how users of TraxTime 1.0 can convert their old data into the new format used by TraxTime. The utility MDB2ISAM has no other purpose. Spud City Software Co. P.O. Box 16062 Boise, ID 83715 CompuServe: 76660,3524 The entire conversion process accomplishes these four things: A. Converts your old .MDB format data into the new format. B. Installs the new version of TraxTime into your existing TraxTime subdirectory. C. Tests to make sure the conversion/upgrade was successful. D. Erases your old data and program files. Ready or not, here we go! CONVERSION: If it's running, exit your TraxTime program. Copy the files MDB2ISAM.EXE and VBIS23MX.DLL into your existing TraxTime subdirectory. (For most users, it's C:\TRAXTIME.) Start MDB2ISAM. This can be done by choosing RUN from Program Manager's FILE menu. Press the browse button, and maneuver your way to the drive and subdirectory that contains MDB2ISAM. Highlight the file MDB2ISAM.EXE and press the Enter key. As soon as it starts, MDB2ISAM asks you to identify your old TraxTime data file. This is the file that begins with your initials, and ends with .MDB. For instance, if your name is Son Of Godzilla, then your old data file is probably called SOG.MDB. When you have selected your .MDB file, press the Okay button. In a few seconds, you will see a screen that confirms that the conversion was successful. INSTALLATION: Now it's time to install the new version of TraxTime. Run the setup.exe file that comes with the new version of TraxTime. IMPORTANT: Make sure you install the new version of TraxTime in the same subdirectory as your old version. Follow the installation program's prompts until it is finished. TESTING: Now it's time to test your handiwork. Start the new version of TraxTime by double-clicking on its icon. Spend a few seconds looking at the project names, in/out times and memos that you had previously entered. Everything that you entered in your old copy of TraxTime should show up in this new version. Look at the top of TraxTime's main screen. Does it say version 1.0? It shouldn't!! This is suppose to be the new version! Once you're satisfied that you're really using the new version, and your data is intact, exit TraxTime. ERASING: Now it's time for a little housecleaning. Version 1.0 of TraxTime used a number of files that are no longer needed by the new version. IMPORTANT: Make sure you read all of these instructions before your erase anything. The unneeded files are your .MDB data file (discussed above) as well as: MSAES110.DLL MSAJT110.DLL VBDB300.DLL and maybe MHGMEN.VBX (this depends on which version of 1.0 you were running). Your MDB file is in your TraxTime subdirectory. The other files are either there, too, or they are in your Windows\System subdirectory. If these files are in your TraxTime subdirectory, go ahead and erase them all. Yes, that includes your .MDB file. You're done. Go pet the cat or something. However, if these files are in your Windows\System subdirectory, then things aren't so clear cut. Let me explain. They were put there because you indicated to TraxTime (when you first installed it) that you wanted the permanent installation option. That was very noble of you to choose that option, and made perfect sense at the time. By choosing that option, if another program wanted to use the same .DLL files, it could share them with TraxTime at that one location, windows\system. And we all know that sharing is a good thing. It meant that you wouldn't clog up your hard disk with duplicate files. And these are BIG files. However, since TraxTime no longer needs those files, you shouldn't just erase them out of your windows\system directory because one of your other programs MAY want to use them, too. And there's no easy way of checking. So here's what you do. You can throw up your hands in frustration, and leave them in that subdirectory forever, or you can remove them and see if one of your other programs has a cow because of it. What I would do is copy all those files to a floppy disk, and keep it safe, next to my computer. Then I would erase those same files from my windows\system subdirectory. If I try to run another program in a week, two months, or two years that gives me the error, "This Program Won't Run. Cannot Find VBDB300.DLL," then I know exactly what to do. I would simply copy the file in question (whether it be VBDB300.DLL or whatever) back to my windows\system subdirectory. This may sound like a big hassle, and it is. But those files take up a lot of disk space, yet they may never be needed. The decision is yours. Leave 'em or erase 'em. The end.