ewSendTo DLL was designed to be simple to use and therefore contains only 5 functions: HANDLE InitSendTo( HWND hWnd, HMENU hMenu, PCSTR pszRegName, PCSTR pszRegKey) InitSendTo initializes the Send To menu for your application. Creates consecutively numbered menu command ID's starting with ID_FILE_SEND_TO_1. hWnd The the window containing the Send To Menu. hMenu The handle to the Send To popup menu to be filled by InitSendTo. pszRegName Registration Name to get rid of "Unregistered Version" menu item. Pass NULL if you have not registered. pszRegKey Registration Key to get rid of "Unregistered Version" menu item. Pass NULL if you have not registered. Return Value Handle to use for future SendTo functions on this menu. void CloseSendTo( HANDLE hSendTo) Closes the SendTo handle and releases associated memory. hSendTo Handle returned by InitSendTo. void MeasureSendTo( HANDLE hSendTo, HWND hWnd, int nIDCtl, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct); Called by your window proceedure to measure the SendTo menu item in response to WM_MEASUREITEM message. hSendTo Handle returned by InitSendTo. hWnd The the window containing the Send To Menu. nIDCtl nIDCtl praramter of the WM_MEASUREITEM message. lpMeasureItemStruct lpMeasureItemStruct paramter of the WM_MEASUREITEM message. void DrawSendTo( HANDLE hSendTo, HWND hWnd, int nIDCtl, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct); Called by your window proceedure to draw the SendTo menu item in response to WM_DRAWITEM message. hSendTo Handle returned by InitSendTo. hWnd The the window containing the Send To Menu. nIDCtl nIDCtl praramter of the WM_MEASUREITEM message. lpDrawItemStruct lpDrawItemStruct paramter of the WM_DRAWITEM message. SendToResult DoSendTo( HANDLE hSendTo, HWND hWnd, int nID, PCSTR pszFileName) Called by your window proceedure to process theWM_COMMAND message on a Send To menu item. hSendTo Handle returned by InitSendTo. hWnd The the window containing the Send To Menu. nID ID of the selected command. pszFileName The name of the file you wish to send. Return Value SendToFailed if the command failed, otherwise SendToCopy, SendToMove, SendToLink or SendToOther for a Copy, Move, Link or "Other" operation respectively. NOTE: In order for the Send To to work with a printer the extention for pszFileName must have a shell\print and shell\printto association in the registry. For more information see HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WordPad.Document.1\shell\[print|printto].