SVInstal Shareware vs Registered version What are the differences. The shareware concept is simple: try before you buy. If you like SVI395 and wish to continue using it, you are required to register with Soft Ventures. The shareware version of SVInstal is NOT crippled. It does everything that the registered version does. The differences are: 1. The shareware version says 'Unregistered Shareware' on the SVInstal screen. The registered version does not. 2. The shareware version comes with a simple data file build program, the registered version comes with the more sophisticated PRO_BLD.EXE. PRO_BLD uses a database to store the location of files used to make up a distribution. When you select 'Build', PROB_BLD creates DISK1, DISK2, etc subdirectories, placing the files to best use the space available. PRO_BLD will compress as it builds so you don't have to. PROB_BLD allows you to modify or add to any number if INI files. The reason I chose to not distribute the PRO_BLD program as shareware is simple - size. It is written in Visual Basic with an Access database. While those are real nice development tools, they need huge support DLLs in order to do their magic. It did not seem logical to distribute 2+MB of DLLs at the shareware level. NOTE!!! You do not need to distribute the DLLs, ONLY SVI395.EXE and your SVINSTAL.SVI datafile. SVI395.EXE is a small efficient C program. PRO_BLD is for your use only. The SVI395.EXE engine has all the same capabilities in the shareware version.