Specifications for DocView Integration with external databases. The following setup is required to integrate the external database with DocView: A SETUP.SSU file located in the DocView's directory (the directory that holds the docview.exe file) must hold the following pieces of data, each placed on a separate line. The line sequence is significant; if optional data is not specified, the line must be left blank. If the SETUP.SSU is missing or incomplete, certain menu items and toolbar buttons are removed from the screen. Without the SETUP.SSU file, the DocView program becomes a basic document viewer. Images can be viewed via the DocView program by a DOCVIEW.EXE FILENAME.XXX command (where FILENAME.XXX is the path name of the image file. DocView can also be launched from many Windows applications, such as internet browsers. Example of a SETUP.SSU file (for MSACCESS 2.0 DATABASE) C:\ACCESS\MSACCESS.EXE C:\DBDIR\MYDB.MDB Microsoft Access %(FU)DVMACRO1{ENTER} C:\ACCESS\MSACCESS.EXE C:\DBDIR\MYDB.MDB Microsoft Access %(FU)VDMACRO2{ENTER} D:\DOCS 7200 6000 The characters are not case sensitive, except possibly line 3 and line 6. Lines 1-3 contain information about the external database's EDITING subsystem: Line1 is the path/file name of the external database application. If you don not integrate, enter 'None'. Line2 is the precise name of the external database application as shown in its title bar. If you don not integrate, enter 'None'. Line3 represents the 'SendKeys' string for activating the external database application (more information below). Lines 4-6 contain information about the external database's QUERY subsystem: Line4 is the path/file name of the external database application. If you don not integrate, enter 'None'. Line5 is the precise name of the external database application as shown in its title bar. If you don not integrate, enter 'None'. Line6 represents the 'SendKeys' string for activating the external database application (more information below). Line7 (optional) specifies the fixed path name of the directory that holds the image files. This is required only if the image address in the database does not include the directory name. Line 8 is the width of the image display window in twips (1440 twips = 1 inch; 576 twips = 1 cm). Line 8 is the height of the image display window in twips (1440 twips = 1 inch; 576 twips = 1 cm). Lines 1 and 2 and lines 4 and 5 may (but need not necessarily) be identical. In the external database application, you must create a script/macro that copies the following data to the Windows clipboard, activates DocView and send the F12 keystroke to DocView. #F#xxxxxxxx.xxx,tttttttttt xxxxxxxx.xxx,tttttttttt xxxxxxxx.xxx,tttttttttt Where #F# is a fixed starter tag, xxxxxxxxxx.xxx is the file name of the image. The directory path must be included unless it is declared in the third line of the SETUP.SSU file (see above). tttttttttt is the optional description of the file that will be used in the image displays title bar. If the tttttttttt is blank, the system uses the file name as a description. If the tttttttttt is not used, the comma can be omitted. Normally, you will only have one line, one file. If you specify multiple lines, the DocView program can display all the listed images in sequence by pressing a 'Next' button. As an example, a macro in Access 2.0 that sends the following keysstrokes (SendKeys) will activates DocView: ^({ESC})<{Enter}{F12} When the DocView user requests the external application's EDIT Form, DocView copies a #E#xxxxxxxx.xxx string to the Windows clipboard, starts up or activates the external application specified in lines 1 and 2 and send the keystrokes specified in line 3 of The SETUP.SSU file to the external edit application. The xxxxxxxx.xxx parameter represents the path/file name of the currently active image in DocView. If line 7 of the SETUP.SSU specifies a global directory path, the matching path is removed from the parameter. The #E# is an identifier flag. The SendKeys keystrokes would normally include the commands for executing a macro in the external database application that will pick up the image file name in the Windows Clipboard and process it. When the DocView user requests the external application's QUERY Form, DocView copies a #Q#xxxxxxxx.xxx string to the Windows clipboard, starts up or activates the external application specified in lines 4 and 5 and send the keystrokes specified in line 6 of The SETUP.SSU file to the external edit application. The xxxxxxxx.xxx parameter represents the path/file name of the currently active image in DocView. If line 7 of the SETUP.SSU specifies a global directory path, the matching path is removed from the parameter. The #E# is an identifier flag. The SendKeys keystrokes would normally include the commands for executing a macro in the external database application that will pick up the image file name in the Windows Clipboard and process it. SendKeys In the example above, the %(FU)VDMACRO1{ENTER} has the following meaning: After opening the external application, the system sends the F and U keystrokes, both while pressing the Alt key (as symbolized by the percent sign). The F open the File menu and the U opens the Macro Request. The letters V D M A C R O 1 are sent followed by the Enter key. VDMACRO1 is the assumed macro name (it can of course be any name). For more details on the SendKeys syntax, please consult the application's documentation, or contact Informatik Inc. For support, contact Informatik Inc. at 610.640.0339 or support@informatik.com.