B I O . T X T FundRaiser Basic Version 1.44 (01/22/96) μμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμ How FundRaiser Basic came to be ------------------------------- Gene Weinbeck didn't start out with the intention of writing FundRaiser Basic. In 1985, he wrote a campaign program for a local political client. At the time, Gene was serving on the board of a nonprofit boys home, and convinced the Executive Director to use the campaign program to print labels and thank you letters for donations. After using it for a month or so, he came back to Gene with "Well, this is nice, but I have a suggestion or two..." And, that was the beginning of FundRaiser Professional, which begat FundRaiser Jr, which begat FundRaiser Basic. Now, the three programs make up the FundRaiser Family. Background on Gene Weinbeck and Professional Support Software ------------------------------------------------------------- Founded in 1983, Professional Support Software has grown and evolved from a local computer-consulting and custom-software firm into "the home of the FundRaiser Family of donor management software for nonprofit organizations", with clients across the country and beyond. PSS began as so many small businesses do: from sheer necessity and on a shoestring. Gene had moved from the eastern seaboard to small-town south-central Missouri on the promise of a job, which came true, but dissolved after a few months. A long job-hunt later, he decided to take matters into his own hands, and find a niche which needed filling. Since personal computers were then reaching even the middle of the country, and he had some experience in the field, that seemed to fill the bill. The first two years were largely taken up with designing and writing one local client's custom software, and then went on to other consulting and programming clients, in an ever-widening geographical area. The program which evolved into FundRaiser Professional, the flagship of the current business, was originally a custom program for a local politician's campaign fundraising efforts. In the decade since its birth, FundRaiser has grown and added two "sibling" programs, FundRaiser Jr and the baby of the family, FundRaiser Basic. As the FundRaiser programs have gained users, and gained in sophistication, the consultant and custom-programming efforts of PSS have dwindled until about 1993 when the entire focus of the company has been on improving the FundRaiser programs, marketing them, and supporting them. It has always been Gene's belief that prompt, friendly, and expert technical support is vital to the users of any software, and it has been his intention from the beginning to supply just that to his clients. According to FundRaiser users, he has been successful in that endeavor. New clients are frequently pleasantly surprised to find that they have quick and easy access to the programmer himself, not only for tech support, but for discussion about what features should be added and what changes might be made to the programs. Many of the ideas for improvements in FundRaiser have come directly from users. We've been growing (slowly) for over a decade now, and have great plans for the future, helping nonprofits with affordable donor management software, accessible and friendly tech support, and a continually improving product. As of 1996, PSS has two full-time employee's, Gene and his wife, Marcy, plus a little part-time help. Gene hopes to keep it that way. μμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμ Sales: (800) 880-3454 Gene Weinbeck Voice: (417) 256-4280 Professional Support Software Fax: (417) 256-6370 106 Garfield Ave BBS: (417) 256-2026 PO Box 901 CompuServe: 72077,1015 West Plains, MO 65775 USA Internet: edgewalk@townsqr.com America OnLine: EdgeWokkrr Internet World Wide Web: http://www.townsqr.com/~fundraiser/ μμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμμ