Capital PC User Group . . . Users Helping Users The Capital PC User Group, Inc. (CPCUG) is a nonprofit,all volunteer educational and support organization for users ofthe IBM PC and compatible microcomputers. Established in 1982, the CPCUG has grown from less than 50 members to about 5,000 personal computer users around the world. Our main goal is to provide a forum for PC users -- from novice to expert -- to share their knowledge and experiences with other members and the general public. ******************************************************************* Monthly Meetings --- Join Us! o Where do I start if I want to buy a microcomputer? o What's new in databases? o Which word processing software, spreadsheet, accounting package, utility program, etc. will work for me? o How can I make my PC run faster? o What's the best way to add more memory, run more applications? The best answers to questions about PCs come from users who are excited about the new and growing power of the microcomputer. And that's who you will meet if you join us at our monthly meetings. Imagine having top professionals from almost every arena of this constantly changing field ready and willing to share their expertise with you! Of course not all our members are experts; many new users come to the meetings to get an unbiased view of the array of computers, software, and computer products available in the market, and to make educated decisions about what will fit their needs and budgets. Once a month the Capital PC User Group meets to answer questions, exchange information, learn from experts in the field and explore the continuing and exciting advances in microcomputer software and hardware. Open to the public, the CPCUG meetings are held in the facilities of the Masur Auditorium, first floor of the Clinical Center, (Building 10) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland. The main entrance is on Center Drive; an underground parking lot is located off Memorial Drive. The format for each meeting is: 6 p.m. Membership registration, Software Library disk sales and information. 7 p.m. Question/answer period during which a panel of experts fields questions from the assembled audience on a wide variety of computer subjects. 8 p.m. General Meeting Program. All other activities close. 9 p.m. Meeting officially closes. Call (301) 762-9372 for more information and the current meeting schedule. ******************************************************************** The Capital PC Monitor --- Our Monthly Magazine The Capital PC Monitor, free to members, contains a wealth of information, practical tips and hot industry news. Regular features include reviews of software and hardware products, legislative and business news, special interest group notes, editorials, and columns addressing a variety of personal computing issues. **************************************************************** Software Library The Capital PC User Group Software Library offers a large and growing number of the best public domain and shareware software programs available today. These programs are the cream of the crop -- each has been tested and evaluated by user group members. Software available includes word processors, databases, spreadsheets, utilities, disk managers, and communications packages. All Software Library programs are available on diskette (for a nominal charge) at the monthly meetings, Saturday seminars, or by mail. Much of the software can also be downloaded from the user group bulletin board. There's no easier or safer way to add to your own software library -- so don't miss out! **************************************************************** Promoting Users' Rights The Capital PC User Group (CPCUG) is a leading advocate of users rights. The CPCUG has spearheaded efforts for ongoing dialogues with software and hardware vendors in order to address quality, warranty, and copy protection issues. Our group has a forceful voice in national issues and legislation that affect PC users. We are concerned about the rights of microcomputer owners and end users of software, and believe that is it essential to promote communication among users, vendors, and producers of computers and computer-related products. **************************************************************** Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Wouldn't you like to sit down with a group of PC users who are working with the same software, the same hardware, or even the same set of problems you are working with to share solutions, deal with frustrations and get a scoop on technical advancements? The network of more than 30 special interest groups (SIGs) within the Capital PC User Group focus on many different facets of the personal computing field. Smaller group size, common interests, and relevant experiences of SIG members generates more in-depth discussion and problem-solving than in the general meeting. ***************************************************************** Electronic Bulletin Board--- Keep in Touch If you own or have access to a PC and a modem, you can connect with a free source of information and advice -- out electronic Bulletin Board System. The Capital PC User Group operates a BBS, the Member Information Exchange (MIX) that serve as an extension of the monthly meetings; members share technical expertise and practical experiences. You can find information on the best prices and vendors for a particular product, get help with a software or hardware dilemma, or exchange advanced computer language programming. Questions and comments from any user -- from beginner to PC wizard -- are always welcome, and are promptly answered. ***************************************************************** Help Line Need help with a computer or software problem? With the Capital PC User Group Help Line your solution may be only a phone call away. The Help Line is a list of members who have volunteered to provide phone assistance in their areas of expertise. Help Line lists are published in the Monitor (the monthly user group publication), and are available on our member bulletin board system. Users helping users -- this invaluable service is a perfect example of what our group is all about. **************************************************************** Free Education Seminars The Capital PC User Group conducts free public training and education seminars on a wide range of personal computer topics. Experts in the field offer reliable information and timely advice; seminars vary from basic user instruction to highly advanced programming discussions. Take advantage of these valuable seminars -- held at various times. See the Monitor calendar for a schedule of these events. **************************************************************** Join the Capital PC User Group You may join by dialing the CPCUG's BBS at 301-738-9060 with your modem and comm program set to N-8-1 and registering on-line with a VISA or Master Card credit card. You can join by mail. Fill out the application form below and send it along with payment to: Capital PC User Group, Inc. 51 Monroe Street Plaza East 2 Rockville, MD 20850 Payment is by check or credit card (Mastercard or VISA). Purchase orders are not accepted. Annual dues are $35 (2 years $65, 3 years $90). International dues are $50 per year. Please be patient. Your membership starts with the first newsletter mailed to you. It may take 4-6 weeks before you are included on the mailing list or receive your membership identification card. You may participate immediately in all the user group activities. For general information, call 301-762-9372. ------------------- Membership Application --------------------- Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ City/State: ___________________________________ Zip: __________ Phone: (H) ____________________________________________________ (Area Code) Phone: (W) ____________________________________________________ (Area Code) _ |_| Please do not include my name in the Capital PC User Group Directory. _ _ |_| New |_| Renewal Please make check payable to Capital PC User Group. If paying by credit card: _ _ Card number: _______________________ |_| Mastercard |_| VISA Expiration date: ___________ Signature: _______________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------