CyberSysop - Game Info This file will give you the basic information on the object of the game, and a brief explination of each main command. QUICK OVERVIEW: CyberSysop is a simulation game where you take on the persona of a real life Sysop. You get to name your BBS, and then have it grow as you see fit. As you grow, you will need to attract new users who are interested in subscribing to your system. Some will subscribe, some will not. In order to grow you need to make money so you can upgrade your hardware and software. If you don't upgrade your hardware/software as you get more users you risk the chance of having them begin to leave in large numbers. So, as your system gets more and more users, heed the warnings the game will give you. In CyberSysop, you are competiting against other sysops. You want to have the highest score possible. The score is based on a wide range of criteria so the better equipment, more users and more lines you have the higher you score will be each time. SUMMARY OF COMMANDS: (in alphabetical order) [A]ttend School This command option will allow you to expand your knowledge of the online and computer worlds. This will allow you to take classes in a public setting from a school where you can get a formal education. Or, you can take a class from a private instructor where he/she may be able to teach you the finer things of computing such as hacking, and other fun things. A balanced education is important when running a BBS. *FUTURE OPTION* [B]ulletins With this command you are able to post public messages to all other sysops who are playing the game. In return they can post messages as well. This is merely a public forum to converse. [C]harge for Access This is a very important command, and one you will want to use. With this command you are asking your free users to please pay for services. This will generate money for you, which is very important. Some users will decided to subscribe, others will leave. [E]nter Bank In the bank you can deposit or withdraw some or all of your money. The bank is usefull becuase when you have money in the bank, no one can take it from you if you are hacked, and no other expenditures will take place unless you withdraw the funds. This is basically a safe haven for your money, that is unless you forget about taxes. The tax man may be in the bank some days and if you enter you will have to pay a percentage to him since you forgot to fill out your 1040 form. [G]eneral Maintenance This could be the most imporant feature of the game. Use this command to keep your system active. This will generate new users, which means possible new income. The more new users you get, the more money you will make. This will be your most used command since without new users you have no system, since you have no income. So use this function to keep you system active and fun for your users. But, along the way you will run into some problems as any real life sysop does. [H]ack Options In the event you are the devious sort, you can hack into other players systems and try to take their system down, steal some of their money, modems or hardware. But be careful....if you are caught you will pay the price by losing actions, hardware, cash of your own. [I]nfo on CyberSysop This file! The basic info on what the game is all about. [L]ist Other Sysops With this command you can list all the other sysops playing the game. It will give you a list of the name, bbs name and current score in the game. [P]urchase Hardware/Software This is where you go in order to buy new stuff to upgrade you system. Here, you will buy new computers, new modems, new harddrives, caller-id devices, other security measures to protect your computer, new software, etc. [Q]uit This lets you leave the game, and saves your current info so you can play again later. If you have used all of your actions you will need to wait until tomorrow to play again. If you have actions left, you can play again later today. All actions are reset daily, no actions are carried over. So if you do not use all your actions you do not carry those over to tomorrow. [R]ead Mail Your users will send you messages and it is important to read them regularly. Some users don't like it if you don't respond to them, so make sure you do this from time to time. This option is also used to read private messages that other sysops may send to you. [S]how Stats This will give you a list of your current stats of where you system stands so you can get an idea of the equipment you have as well as your score. [V]irus Scan As with any computer related system you need to check your harddrives for viruses on a regular basis. If you do not, you may be attacked taking down your system with it. If you are attacked by a virus, you may lose users, equipment or worse, the entire system. [W]rite Mail to Other Sysops If you would like to send a messages to a fellow sysop, use this command to do so. It will allow you to enter a certain number of lines of text to send to them privately. They will be the only one who can read this message. [?] Help This command will list all of the options listed here for quick reference.