ÄÄÍÍ Galaxy 5 ÍÍÄÄ Copyright (c) 1996 Thomas J. Smith ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Whats New in Galaxy 5? ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ v1.01 Wide Beta ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ Made enemy fights a little more smoother. Galaxy 5 now makes a copy of the ENEMIES.DAT file in the TEMP subdirectory dedicating this copy to the current node. This way, the ENEMIES.DAT file does not have to be accessed every time a player looks for something to kill in the warfields. The dedicated copy can remain open until the player leaves the warfields. This copy is also erased after the player leaves the game. þ Corrected an error on my part in the G5_STRUC.PAS file (structures to data files used in the game). I changed something in the structure of the G5_MATES.DAT file after I created the G5_STRUC.PAS file, and forgot to make the change in the G5_STRUC.PAS file. To see what it should look like, refer to the G5_STRUC.PAS file. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ v1.02 Wide Beta ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ Corrected problem with ~K?~ codes not displaying the proper information (highest player kills and who holds title). By default, these codes are used in the P_KILL.* display files. These display files are shown at the "Kill Other Players" menu. On the line that says, "Player is the meanest murderer in the galaxy with 23 kills!." Sometimes the wrong player would be displayed here as having the highest number of player kills. þ Fixed problem with users with only a first name (as read from the BBS drop file) not being able to use Xports. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ v1.03 Wide Beta ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ Fixed problem with a lockup when trying to use one of the cheat codes (I'm not saying where ;> ). þ Corrected typo in the 5th planet name. The "raw" name was correct, but the fancy name read the same as the 3rd planet (Bantini). This has been corrected. þ Fixed it so that players can not flirt with same person (other player) more than once a day. þ Raised skill points needed to advance to next rank for all ranks. Players were advancing much too quickly! þ Tweaked the warfield fights a little so that it moves a little faster (and still working on speeding things up). þ Changed default colors of the fourth planet (Gorn) from dark and light blue to brown and yellow. The dark blue was just too dark! þ Fixed problem with the game not decreasing the amount of medicines a player had on hand after drinking one in a player fight. þ Fixed problem with sentences that were too long in the news files not wrapping correctly. þ When players enter their own string of text to say in the news after killing another player, or getting killed, changed it so that if they choose no to the "Is This Ok?" prompt, it takes them back to entering their text again, instead of just asking for their feeling again. þ Because of the above fix, the amount of text a player can enter when saying something themselves, has been increased to 70 characters instead of 45. þ Added a few more feelings to the pick list when asked how you feel after a kill or getting killed. þ Added an option when fighting enemies in the warfields that lets you fight your enemy to the death. Choosing this option will automatically keep attacking the enemy until you or the enemy is dead, so use it with caution! ;> þ Fixed problem with ~K#~ (highest number of player kills by the person holding this record), displaying a number other than 0 when no one holds the record for highest number of player kills. þ Fixed problem in the Help Menu when selecting to download a help file, if RIPTERM.DAT did not exist (text file containing full path and file name of archived RIPterm), it would say downloads were not allowed. The RIPTERM.DAT file is completely unrelated to downloading help files, and only applies to downloading RIPterm. The game was treating it otherwise. This has been fixed. þ Included a HELP.TXT file that explains the setup of doors, fossil drivers, locked baud rates, etc. It is primarily for beginning SysOps, who are still unfamiliar with door setup. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes In G5 Editor v1.03 Wide Beta -------------------------------------------------------------------- þ Added the price editor. It allows you to set the prices of weapons, armour, and space crafts (registered versions only). Unregistered users can still evaluate this feature, but it will not save changes. þ Fixed problem when editing a "pick file," and it would ask you if you want to save your changes, if you chose yes, it would not save the changes. This has been fixed. þ Fixed problem with adding a new player, and the record number not getting set to the proper number. þ Fixed cosmetic glitch in the planet editor. The help line near the bottom of the editing box for the light and dark color code fields were switched. The dark color code fields help line read, "This is the light color code for this planet." And the dark color code fields help line read that it was the light color code for this planet. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes In G5 Setup v1.03 Wide Beta -------------------------------------------------------------------- þ Added an option that will allow you to enter all of the required registration info, and either print it to your printer, or save it to a file on disk. þ Changed the "Create Fresh Data Files" option so that you can now choose which file you want to recreate, or you can choose all. The command line parameter for this option has also changed in order to support this new feature (type G5SETUP /? on the command line for info). þ Fixed a cosmetic glitch with the "F2 Pick" & "SPACEBAR Toggle" options not being highlighted when editing the "COM Port #" field under "Node Setup." Use of F2 and SPACEBAR for choosing your COM port in this field is supported (always has been). ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ