WELCOME TO Indianapolis Speedway, an UltraSoft Action BBS Game (c) 1996 UltraSoft's INDY is a DoorGame of Betting on Indy Cars, where there is much money to be made. From the Main Menu, the Betting Windows are where bets are placed. Once you are at the Betting Windows you will be informed how much money you have to spend, and be asked to pick your driver. Then you are able to enter the amount you want to bet on that driver for the current race. If you elect not to bet on the current race, use kip this Race to save your money and go on to the next one. If you pick a driver to win, you will then be able to enter the amount to bet. Once this is complete, you will be returned to the Main Menu. If you pick a First Place Winner, the pay off is 4 to 1. A choice that Places 2nd, pays off at 3 to 1. 3rd Place is 2 to 1. oggle Sound on or off from the Main Menu. If you are getting unusual characters on your screen, and do not hear any sound, your Comm Program probably cannot process online sound, and you should toggle it off. ate Drivers shows a brief synopsis of what the drivers are best known for. nstructions displays this Help information. tart the Race is of course self-explanatory, as is uit to the BBS.