Welcome to the @X09Dark Realm@X0F, my son. This land has long been afflicted by the misdeeds of pickpockets and cut throats, but now there is another force in the realm... A much darker force, an evil beyond the comprehension of the mortal mind. This evil starves my kingdom. Our crops are devestated year after year, our children our stolen away, and bands of thieves roam the country side like a pestulance. It has been prophesied that a @X0Agreat warrior@X0F would @X0Cslay@X0F the @X09unknown one@X0F and restore peace and prosperity to the land. You insist that you are that one... Many young warriors have claimed the same, but have met an early death without success. However these warriors lacked the @X0DDark Orb@X0F. Perhaps if you possessed this powerful talasmin you could stand a chance against the @X09unknown @X09one@X0F.... I wish you luck, as you will most certainly need it!