BBSLISTER Version 1.50 (C) 1996 TiMESoFT by Jesse Bertier - Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: I would like to thank several people for helping distribute this list and those who gave me ideas and corrections: þ Pern ( The Land of Dragons BBS ), for all the ideas :P þ Malachai ( Amateur Hour BBS ), for getting distro sites going þ Karl ( GameNet BBS ), for getting the list over to his area :) þ Especially All other distro sites and BBSs supporting this list þ All those who sent in their corrections and additions -= WELCOME TO BBSLISTER VERSION 1.50 =- Well, heres a new idea in BBS listing options. This list allows users to search the list of all BBSs in Connecticut with ease. The lister is FREEWARE, and should be distributed freely. However, this should not be modified in any way, as this will defeat the purpose of a standardized list. This list differs from all others for many reasons. First, not only do you have the data accessible to you, you also can manipulate it by incorpor- ating it into other uses besides a self-executing list. Hopefully this program will suit your needs, and if it lacks a great feature, kindly let me know and I'll add it to the existing features. The list is updated monthly and the new lists become available on the 1st day of each month. However, it does take time for the new lists to become widely available. Each month all the submitted corrections and additions will be included. The list will be compiled into the same easy to use executable. -= OPTIONS =- * Easy Searching by any one of the fields listed below: - BBS Name (Fuzzy Search Possible) - City - Area Code - First or Last digits in Phone # - BBS Software (Fuzzy Search Possible) - SysOp (Fuzzy Search Possible) - Nets (Fuzzy Search Possible) - Baud Rate (Fuzzy Search Possible) - Megabytes Online * Allows "FUZZY" Searches, or partial info searches. * Data Export Modes for DBASE (Compatible), TEXT, or MAXIMUS .MEC files. * Optional Mouse Support * Fast Searching * Local BBS Search * Ablility to modify local areas * Extended View mode to see all the data at once in a simple format. * You can print data to your printer.. (Thanks Pern!) -= CORRECTIONS / ADDITIONS =- Any corrections and additions should be sent to Jesse Bertier at Somewhere in Time BBS - (203) 245-5958. (I can also be reached via other methods.. See "Using the Lister for Another State" section for all my addresses) If you send me an E-Mail message via Internet, I will send you a reply. Also, when sending your additions/corrections, please include all the information that you can provide: For instance, include any Networks, Notes, Misc information that you have. Each month, a new list will be distributed. For the latest copy, call your local BBS and download. Or call Somewhere in Time at the number above. If you prefer to save on long distance calls, you can also download the latest copy from AMERICA ONLINE (Assuming they continue to support the lister.) Or, visit our web page: The latest BBS list will be placed on the web page as soon as it is created. -= HOW TO USE BBSLISTER =- Well, first type BBSLIST at the DOS Prompt. After seeing the intro screen, press any key to go to the main menu. From the main menu, you can perform any of the searches you wish. Simply choose one of the search methods and then press the highlighted letter. A dialogue box will apear and then type in what you are looking for. Example: Say you wanted to search for all BBSs in NEW HAVEN. From the main menu, choose the search by Town. Then enter 'new haven' or 'NEW HAVEN' or 'NeW HaVen' or any other combination of upper and lower case letters. Then press ENTER. After each search, you will be brought back to the main menu. Also, the lister performs a "fuzzy" search. For example, if you were looking for a BBS by its name, but only know a word or two, you can enter what you know and it will find the BBS by that information. Example: Say you wanted to find Somewhere in Time BBS, but you forgot whether or not the "BBS" is on the end of the title. Just enter "Somewhere in Time" or just "Somewhere" and the lister will find the record. This type of search will work when searching by Sysop Name, BBS Name, and any other field. The only exception is that this type of search is not valid when searching by area code, first 3 digits or last 4 digits of the phone number. Extended mode can be enabled by pressing "E" at the main menu. Everything remains the same, except the results are displayed one record at a time, in a simple format. Press "E" again to disable extended view mode. Printer Echo mode can be enabled by pressing "P" at the main menu. When this is enabled, the data will be displayed on your screen as normal and will be printed to the printer as well. If you are in Extended view mode, the data will be printed in an extended format as well. If you wanted to print out a local list, just turn on printer echo, and do a local search. All matching records are printed to the printer. Make sure you have paper in the printer and it is turned on. The lister will write its printer output to DOS's PRN device, not LPT1. Therefore, it is important that the device is ready to go, otherwise a "Device Fault [A]bort [R]etry [I]gnore" Message will result. -= CONFIGURATION FILE =- The lister looks in the current directory for a configuration file called BBSLIST.CFG. This file is _NOT_ necessary for the operation of the lister, but is rather another option. The file itself must be plain ASCII text, with each option CAPITOLIZED where necessary and a Carriage Return and Line Feed after each option (CR/LF). This can be done easily with DOS's EDIT. Below is a list of all available options. Note that there are line numbers for each option. This simply refers to what order these must be in. LINE OPTIONS EXPLANATION 1 0 or 1 Mouse Support (0=DISABLED 1=ENABLED) 2 N/A Name of "LOCAL.DAT" Mouse Support is only available if you have a mouse correctly installed and the mouse driver must be resident in memory. The BBSLISTer does not have a mouse driver. The default is NO MOUSE SUPPORT. With mouse support enabled, click with the left mouse button on the line which contains the option you wish to run. Or, just click on the letter that is highlighted. For example, if you wish to perform a search of a certain area code, click on the line that contains the "Area Code" option. Line 2 of the configuration file is for keeping multiple "LOCAL.DAT" files. For example, you could have a .DAT file for several towns in the directory at once. On line 2, you can change the name of the file. You must enter the extension as well. Example: MADISON.DAT. This option must be followed by a CR/LF. Sample Config File: -----------------------