This is a brief text file listing the history of The Realm of Vanadia Series of Inter-IGMs. Beta 1.0b was the first wide beta, and few people reported problems. Those problems that have been reported have been fixed and are listed below. If you encounter any problems, please inform G.A.C. Computer Services ASAP so the changed may be included in future releases. Final Release Version 1.1 of Vanadia and Banda's - Extensive debug to correct spelling errors and display problems - Fixed problems with NPC characters not having much strength - Fixed displaying of shields when fighting NPCs - Fixed the bug in Picking Fights at Banda's, NPCs did not fight back - Decreased the delay between NPC actions in the Arena for more action - NPC's will now attack back every time a player attacks them - Fixed a bug that allowed users to keep killing NPCs - Included a PROBLEMS.TXT file listing solutions to most common problems - Fixed a problem with the Shady Figure (a secret) - Fixed a problem with some of Banda's responses Beta 1.0 c of Vanadia and Banda's - Fixed problems with some systems reporting "ERROR: Unable to Locate Banda's IGM" - Fixed problems with no local display on some systems