This file lists solutions to common mistakes with The Realm of Vanadia. If you experience a problem installing or running ANY of The Realm of Vanadia Inter-IGMs, please look at this file before contacting Tech Support. Q. I get the error Unable to Install The Realm of Vanadia A. Make sure the path to the LORD directory is correct and has a trailing backslash. Q. The Realm of Vanadia does not show up in my LORD game A. Check the following: - Be sure you are using LORD 3.26a or above - Make sure you pressed the Install Key when running VANADIA CONFIG - Make sure the following lines appear in the 3RDPARTY.DAT file in your LORD directory: C:\GAC_CS\ACT_0014\VANADIA.EXE * `0T`2he `0R`2ealm `2of `#V`5anadia `2( Inter-IGMs ) Q. I get the message Unable to Locate Banda's (or another IGM) even though it is in the Vanadia directory. A. Make sure you have a version of Vanadia of 1.0c or above (you probably due if you see this text file. Another problem could be with swapping memory. Vanadia will swap out of memory, either to EMS or the hard drive when it loads up one of the expansion IGMs. If your hard drive is low, and you do not have a meg of Expanded memory, this error will occur because Vanadia can not LOAD the other IGM. Q. The game always uses the same person for the player. A. Make sure Vanadia is in it's own directory and make sure there are NO drop files in that directory. All information is read from the LORD INFO.[NODE] files and the NODEX.DAT files. Q. The game simply doesn't seem to run at all. A. Check to see if it runs remotely. I have had reports of it not running locally, but it will run remotely. As of this time, Vanadia runs locally if it receives a com port of 0 or a Caller Baud rate of 0. If your system reports a local user differently, please let me know. Q. My NPCs are too easy, can I make them harder OR My NPCs are too hard, can I make them easier A. You can't edit the file yet (an editor will be released later), but just delete the current NPC.DAT file and they will be recreated. Version 1.1 and above of Vanadia makes NPCs that are roughly 15% stronger than a live player of the same level. Also, the NPCs will get stronger each time a player enters Vanadia if they are not killed (that is why assasinations are relatively cheap). Q. Barak's house works OK, why doesn't your work? (or something similiar) A. These IGMs are much larger and use many more advanced features, it is impossible for me to tell you why my IGMs are not working on your system without a LOT more information. There are over 30,000 lines of code in The Realm of Vanadia and Banda's Boardinghouse of Vanadia alone. Obviously, there can be bugs somewhere that have not been found yet. Q. It still doesn't work A. Send me a copy of the following files and a description of your system (x's are node numbers) LORD Directory - 3RDPARTY.DAT - INFO.x (If possible) - NODEx.DAT VANADIA Directory - VANADIA.CFG - VANALOG.x (and any other yyyyLOG.x files)