DCT Tagline Appender v0.04á By Dan Traczynski December 23, 1995 1.0 - Installation This door will select ten random taglines from a tagline file and prompt the user on which one to append to his message. He can also add his own tagline, or abort without any changes to his message. The program will work with any BBS program that uses the MSGTMP file format (RA, SuperBBS, Concord[?], etc.). The installation has two steps; both easy to do. First you must edit the DCTTAG.CFG file, then copy DCTTAG.EXE, DCTTAG.CFG, and DCTTAG.TAG into your BBS directory. Please note that the only supported drop file at this time is the DOOR.SYS file. The second step is to make the BBS run the door. The following is sample batch file to use with IceEdit (change C:\BBS to your BBS directory). ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ @echo off cd\bbs\doors\iceedit iceedit /d:c:\bbs cd\bbs if exist msgtmp dcttag ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The "IF EXIST MSGTMP" is added to the fifth line so that the program is not executed if the user aborts the message. DCTTAG.EXE still checks to make sure that MSGTMP exists, and will terminate if it doesn't, but you can save time by not executing DCTTag in the first place. To run the batch file from the BBS, simply change the command line of the external editor to the batch file name. For example, if you are using RA or Concord and the batch file is MSG.BAT, you would enter "*C /C MSG.BAT *M" on the command line. For SuperBBS, you would use "C:\COMMAND.COM /C MSG.BAT". One last thing - any taglines that users enter are saved into the file DCTTAG.NEW, so that you can "adopt" these new tags to DCTTAG.TAG if you want. 1.1 - Making your own taglines To edit the taglines in the tagbase, simply run COMPILE.EXE with the "/D" parameter to create a text file version of the database. Then edit the created file to whatever you want it to be. Once finished, simply re-compile the text file back to DCTTAG.TAG. Please note that the maximum length each tagline can be is 72 characters. 1.2 - Sysop keys F1 - Shows the Sysop keys on the status bar. F2 - Invokes the chat mode (with line wrapping :). F7 - Add 5 minutes to the user's time. F8 - Subtract 5 minutes from the user's time. F10 - Return the user back to the BBS. 1.3 - Upgrading If you are upgrading from a previous version, simply rename DCTTAG.TAG to something else, then type "COMPILE ", where is the name that you renamed DCTTAG.TAG to. That is the only change from previous versions. 2.0 - Distribution & Disclaimer This program is FREEWARE. That means that no fees are allowed to be charged for the distribution of it. The program is also to be distributed in its original, unmodified form. The archive should be named DCTTA004.EXE, preferably in LHA's SFX (self-extracting) archive format. Because this program is free, the author, Daniel Traczynski, will take no responsibility to anything that it may or may not do to your system. It has been tested thoroughly, and should not do anything that it is not supposed to do. Regardless of this, if anything should happen, the user is totally responsible, and the author will be under no obligations whatsoever. 3.0 - Comments The following things are not yet supported, but should be added in a future version. - File-locking (multinode support). I'll probably add this in the next version. - More configuration (like how the main screen looks and stuff). - Perhaps a separate tagline file for each different message area? - Five-minute warning. - Anything else I can think of or what people suggest. 4.0 - Credits/Acknowledgments Garfield (Neural Meltdown - 604-255-5198) for áeta testing my programs. Cameron Braithwaite (Mega Messages - 604-929-0365) because I got many of the taglines from the Fido taglines area on his board. Justin Bourne for the idea of "Select a random tagline from the ten above." Chronos (Rogue's Inn - 604-924-0783) cuz his BBS is kewl ;) Steve Lorenz for his great DDPLUS package (even though it was full of bugs, which I fixed {well I *hope* I got them all}...) 5.0 - History v0.04á - December 23, 1995. This is the first "public" release. It is a *LOT* faster than the previous versions, due to the changed format of the tagline file. -The tagline file is now stored in binary format, so searching for taglines is a lot faster. -Added COMPILE.EXE to convert the tagline file to the new format. -The only supported drop file is now DOOR.SYS. -A few cosmetic changes. -Added another 83 taglines to the database, for a total of 1591 taglines :) v0.03á - November 10, 1995. -Added the "Select random tagline from 10 above." -And some other stuff that I forgot about. áeta 1 - October 14, 1995. Well this was the very first version of DCTTag...nice start, but not quite good enough for a v1.0 yet ;) DCTTag is copyrighted 1995 by Dan Traczynski. {EOF}