Horoscopes for Friday December 29, 1995 Aries: A big task may be finished today and you may have good reason to cheer. You might neglect a loved one because your mind is on abstract concepts and long-term plans. Traveling is well aspected, but it's better to stay at home and give attention to the family tonight. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 456. Your financial outlook for today is strong. Your compatible sign for today is Taurus. Taurus: You tend to be moody and brooding today. Avoid becoming depressed by being realistic and refusing to look backward or to long for a place you can't be just now. Be content with popcorn, a movie, and your loved one. Smiling can help to reduce tension now. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 508. Your financial outlook for today is very good. Your compatible sign for today is Gemini. Gemini: Your energy and health are negatively aspected this morning. You may fear you are coming down with something, but it's probably just fatigue. You feel better by noon and can get a lot of home chores done. Travel aspects are so-so. Love may thrive tonight. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 734. Your financial outlook for today is weak. Your compatible sign for today is Sagittarius. Cancer: Try something new today, with the encouragement of your lifemate or other loved one. Your home may be the center of interest for some who feel the need for the warmth and cheer of your personality, but watch out for those who impose on you. It's an upbeat day. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 657. Your financial outlook for today is very good. Your compatible sign for today is Capricorn. Leo: Traveling for pleasure, for sightseeing, or to help someone is very well aspected today. All educational matters have good support this afternoon. Talking with a businessperson is enlightening. You are very sensitive to what others say in the way of support or criticism this evening. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 803. Your financial outlook for today is very good. Your compatible sign for today is Aries. Virgo: This is not a good day for new undertakings, business transactions, shopping, or long-distance communications. Your health is excellent, however, and you feel in charge of your home and community situations. The evening if peaceful and romantic if you want it to be. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 469. Your financial outlook for today is uncertain. Your compatible sign for today is Taurus. Libra: This morning's aspects recommend your taking it easy. You can achieve a lot today, provided you schedule your chores carefully, act systematically, and don't rush. Keep channels of communication open tonight, for news can be exciting. Home is a warm place now. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 874. Your financial outlook for today is fair. Your compatible sign for today is Gemini. Scorpio: Get all your routine business accomplished as quickly as you can today so that you can escape the monotonous and routine. Analyze yourself today and get to know what is making you tick or not tick enough. Your personality is impressive to others this afternoon. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 658. Your financial outlook for today is poor. Your compatible sign for today is Aquarius. Sagittarius: You have a tendency to mope and to be fatigued and preoccupied by occupational discontents this morning. You feel better as the day moves along, however, and can accomplish the unusual in business, shopping, and professional matters. It's a fine evening for going out. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 073. Your financial outlook for today is fine. Your compatible sign for today is Pisces. Capricorn: You may encounter irrational behavior today. Give praise to your lifemate, who may be lacking in self-confidence now. Your health and travels are favorably stimulated. Be tolerant of children and don't take harsh measures with them. It's not a good day for a change in plans. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 469. Your financial outlook for today is fair. Your compatible sign for today is Sagittarius. Aquarius: It's a good idea today to secure an estimate of the cost of anticipated work in your home. Routine neighborly contacts hold prospects of future pleasure. Don't get involved in lengthy discussions with work associates. You may reach a new understanding in your love relationship. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 819. Your financial outlook for today is excellent. Your compatible sign for today is Capricorn. Pisces: There are some bleak spots in your chart for today, especially for your health, which might take a turn for the worse. There's a possibility of accidents and it's a good idea to do nothing unusual around your home and to guard your pets carefully. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 871. Your financial outlook for today is weak. Your compatible sign for today is Aquarius.