02/21/96 - Initial limited v0.55à release. 02/21/96 - Well, that version seemes to have flopped for folks using points as the NODE or FTPFEED entries. Fixed this.. Minor Bug in my UNIT.... Fixed a problem where the DeleteFileSent AND TruncateFileSent ^aFLAGs are set... I'll Display a warning message, and default to TruncateFileSent to be safe. (Somebody think this needs to be different?) Fixed the ^aVia Kludge Line at the end of the messages in the packet...(I hope.. Seemed okay to me before...?? I use PeekPack to view packets.. Do you guys have something different?) Now Log Number of files attached to a message, as well as the Message From & To fields. If you experience irratic behavior with the KILL/SENT Attribute, please let me know what editor you are using... Or what program generated the NetMail message. Either bit 7 of the attribute is on or off.. it can't be both, but the editor or program might be backwards.. I got the info from the FTSC Specs.... If you see this.. And you ran with the -T(est) option, check the message with your Editor.. (I use FM.EXE or D'Bridge's Editor.. The Status: line should show it as KILL/SENT or not... (Alt-S in FM.EXE). You can also check the FLAGS... In FM.EXE it's ALT-X.. In D'Bridge it's CTRL-K (Kludge Lines). 02/22/96 - Sent a "Special" copy to Hardy, since I never heard from you others. This version (v0.56bà) fixed the KFS/TFS Problem.. He tells me it does. :-) Version 0.57à - Fixes more point addressing issues. Thanx for those test messages.. They really helped! Fixed the Logging and display of WhoFrom: and WhoTo:, was always displaying WhoFrom!... Fixed the ^aVia line again.. Now I figured it out.. Was moving a string to an array, and was getting one character off in the move. This was hosing the EndOfPacket stuff.... PeekPack seems to be more happy... (Again, thanx' for those test messages! They really helped me out, since I could see messages from different programs...i.e. AllFix, RA/(Whatever you used to toss), FM.EXE, Etc...) 03/11/96 - v0.60à Released to testers! There are some MAJOR changes here.. Please remember to use -D Debug and -T Test options Added the beginnings of the FD Style Log.. Need much more work here! Runtime errors are trapped. Review FD2FTP.ERR for information if an error occurs. Hopefully this, as well as Range Chacking ON will keep Hardy from finding a hung system. :-) Multiple (<= 50) FTPFeed Configurations are in! (Routing is not!) This version has a MAJOR change in the config file! Please review the sample config file FD2FTP.CFG for info on how to set yous up. You can have up to 50 FTPFeed BEGIN/END Blocks in one config file. I have NOT tested this with greater than 2 blocks.. There MIGHT be a problem if you near the 20 file handles share establishes by default.. The temp packet FD2FTP.$$$ is no longer used. With multiple feeds the temp file naming is ###$$$.%%% where the format is as follows: ### = Zone Base-36 $$$ = Net Base-36 %%% = Net Base-36 This MAY be a problem for POINTs... (Hardy?) The file should be POINT.### where ### is the point number. If you played with D'Bridhe this may look similar to the DB Queue naming. :-) If you use the -D debug option, you'll be told the filename.. It'll never change once configured. If FD2FTP bombs.. Look for these files and rename the to something.pkt.. that's all they are. I didn't get a chance to update the DOCS for this version, I wanted to let you guys test it! The config file is heavily commented, so that should be enough information to get you going. Note that the proposed routing info is included, but commented out. The SEND_CRASH and SEND_IMM kludges are NOT implemented in this version.. Tell me if we need those still.. (I assume yes). The IGNORE_DIR kludge is NOT implemented yet.. DIR message ARE packetized, IF the message is addressed to the SAME address as your FTPFeed. (We had a LOT of discussion about this in the mailing list..) Messages marked CRASH or IMMediate are ignored.. Thus allowing your mailer to deliver the message via land-line. REMEMBER, messages with the DIR flag ARE sent, IF they are addressed to your FTPFeed. Initiated the FD2FTP Mailing list. Join us by sending e-mail to fd2ftp-s@hotlin.fidonet.org if you wish to subscribe, or to listserv@hotlin.fidonet.org for more info. If you're interested in the Fido Echo, please contact me at 1:357/114 or hotline@proaxis.com. Remember: Errorlevels: 0 = Everything went ok, something was moved 1 = Warnings exist, Something was moved. 2 = Everything went ok, nothing was moved 3 = Everything went ok, but can't move to outbound directory/name. Leaving packet in current directory! * 245 = Error in BEGIN/END Matching for FTPFeeds. 253 = Unable to create/build temporary packet file.. Nothing Done! 254 = Configuration file incomplete! 255 = Configuration file missing! 03/12/96 - v0.61à Hardy found problem with USING config option.. Rather a problem if NOT using it.... Fixed. F_Attached files were copied to the wrong location... That was a carry over from the single feed version.. Not the error but the variables associated with it.. Problem should be fixed now. Fixed Message number padding.. now allows 9999 messages! :-) 03/12/96 - v0.62à Still no updated Docs... Review the new config file for changes. Un-needed crying/attention getter removed! (Trying to move temp packets that never got created!) Shouldn't do that now. Added additional Logging options... -V (Verbose (Debug) Logging) command line option. -D displays DEBUG info -V LOGS it! Added -H command line option.. (Help on options..) Added to the Debug info.. the Message Attributes. CRASH, IMM, F_ATTACH, KFS, TFS, DIR. Added some kludges to allow customization on how messages are sent out! By default, DIR messages addressed to the FTPFeed address are sent... IGNORE_DIR tells FD2FTP to ignore messages with DIR markings... (Yeah.. You can turn it off John ) By default CRASH and IMMediate messages are NOT sent! SEND_CRASH and SEND_IMM will tell FD2FTP to send those type of messages out via FTPmail.. The choice is yours... Most folks will not use these options.. allowing the mailer to use Ma Bell for those types of messages. LOCKED Messages are NOT sent! Changed some internal parsing of the config file... FD2FTP now should not care if you end your path(s) with the '\' or not. (Internally, if you DO put it there... I'll remove it! ) Minor cosmetic changes... You tell me if you can tell what they are! :-) Crital errors cause an errorlevel exit of 89.. (If you 89 it, isn't it trash? ) 03/14/96 - v0.63à Fix problem with LARGE messages.. Message size shouldn't mater now! (Thanx' for the 68k Message Eric!) Changes Config KEYWORDS: NODE now is ADDRESS (Although NODE will still work) USING is now USE_AKA (Although USING should still work) Security update! :-) You can now specify the Packet Password to use for EACH FTPFeed. This will help where even though the FTPFeed has an account for you, they still utilize FTSC Style Packet Passwords! You can have a password as long as you want, but FTSC Specs only allow for the first eight characters... More MINOR cosmetic changes.... Will work on the LOG file tonight. 03/15/96 - v0.64à Fixed ^aFLAG miss-interpretation.... It's more selective now. Log Style changed! Should now be Fully FD(/IM?/MD?) Style! 03/20/96 - v0.70á Fixed LOCKed messages.. Was Looking for wrong FLAG, should be "LOK". Also, FD marks LOCKed messages as Read Only.... Updated the documentation to match the current release options. Releasing was First Official "Wide Beta"!!