Horoscopes for Friday January 5, 1996 Aries: Find the perfect gift for a special celebration that's going on today. A dose of luxury and relaxation are long overdue. If you can't take it today, make plans for a fabulous self-indulgence in the near future. Precise, direct communication is very important this evening. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 870. Your financial outlook for today is very strong. Your compatible sign for today is Virgo. Taurus: A sincere message of love and affection gets your day off to a wonderful start. Remember a potential partner's material wealth is not enough to make up for other, more personal deficiencies. A change that is hitting you hard now contains the seeds of advancement and success. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 364. Your financial outlook for today is weak. Your compatible sign for today is Gemini. Gemini: If you act before you think this morning, there may be a mess to clean up. Allow yourself some rest this afternoon. It is amazing what kind of realizations can occur when we stop tearing about and take some time out. A chance to start fresh makes you optimistic and hopeful this evening. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 051. Your financial outlook for today is excellent. Your compatible sign for today is Leo. Cancer: A loved one may need your help and support in order to face something difficult today. Your intuitive flashes could be right on; don't rationalize away a strong hunch. Emotions long held in check threaten to come flooding out now. Express yourself, but do so only in a safe environment. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 345. Your financial outlook for today is weak. Your compatible sign for today is Virgo. Leo: The awareness of the cycle of creation, destruction, and renewal helps you to maintain an objective view of the personal issues that come up today. When the dust clears this evening, begin to rebuild something that has badly needed reconstruction for a while. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 345. Your financial outlook for today is weak. Your compatible sign for today is Cancer. Virgo: Other people don't always notice and appreciate your hard work, so what you do today must satisfy you first. Memories of a brighter time can cause you to look back now with regret and a keen sense of loss. Like a bolt out of the blue, a brilliant idea comes to you tonight. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 345. Your financial outlook for today is poor. Your compatible sign for today is Aries. Libra: Cautious spending allows you to set some money aside for a rainy day. If you've been looking for a new home, this could be the day you find the one you want. At the end of a busy day, it feels good to get together with friends. One of them may have a hot tip for you. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 348. Your financial outlook for today is good. Your compatible sign for today is Cancer. Scorpio: There is much organizing and delegating to do at the workplace this morning, whether it's an office or the home. Discontinue outmoded and useless ways of doing things. If you are overwhelmed by choices this evening, sleep on the decision and make a choice at a later date. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 763. Your financial outlook for today is excellent. Your compatible sign for today is Leo. Sagittarius: A trip away from the familiar is a tonic for you today. Sometimes doing something radically different almost seems to put you in an altered state in which you are able to come to conclusions that have escaped you in ordinary life. Don't, however, take a huge risk that will get you into trouble. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 148. Your financial outlook for today is good. Your compatible sign for today is Cancer. Capricorn: Taking time out for introspection as well as a much- needed rest is recommended today. You may have difficulty expressing your feelings, but if you try hard someone will be glad to draw you out. Such communication could lead to a pleasant, passionate exchange. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 753. Your financial outlook for today is risky. Your compatible sign for today is Taurus. Aquarius: Romance is on hold as you review your feelings and consider how best to proceed. Taking this wise approach will keep you from becoming overly involved too soon. When traveling today, make allowances for the weather, which can cause hazardous conditions. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 207. Your financial outlook for today is uncertain. Your compatible sign for today is Gemini. Pisces: Stay calm and reasonable in the face of someone who is angry or upset. Just put on a compassionate face and listen, saving your reply until the person has calmed down. The weight of the world might seem to be on your shoulders this afternoon. Lighten up this evening. Your fortunate astrological number for today is 430. Your financial outlook for today is bad. Your compatible sign for today is Cancer.