Soaps for Thursday January 4, 1996 *Days of Our Lives* Peter refuses to allow Jack go on the search for Jude. Sarah gives Jack some advice on how best to chase after Jude. Peter is unable to find Jennifer. Meanwhile, holding her captive in an abandoned building, Jude announces to Jennifer that he did not kill anyone. Jack runs into Jude and ends up fighting him. He manages to grab Jude's knife and forces the suspect back. But when Jude warns that Jennifer will freeze to death unless he lets him go, Jack returns his knife. Sarah explains to John that Jennifer is missing. Jennifer manages to get free and runs to the pub, announcing that she was grabbed by Jude who planned to use her as a hostage. *The Young and the Restless* Brad announces to Nikki that he will not be returning to the ranch anymore and fears that someone besides them will inform Victor about their relationship. Victoria watches through the window and spots them kissing. Confronting her mother with what she saw, she threatens to tell Victor if Brad comes back to the ranch. Danny is furious when he stops by to see his son and learns that Phyllis went out of town with Peter and their son. Phyllis is pleased to hear from Joanie how upset Danny was. John Silva warns Danny that Phyllis doesn't have to advise him that she's leaving town. Chris advises Danny to allow Phyllis to think that she has won and hints that Phyllis might not be as accepting of the divorce as he thinks she is. *The City* Tess heads to the public library to conduct a little research on Jared Chase. When Richard suddenly shows up and teases her about dumb blondes reading books, Tess inquires about the last time the roving reporter saw his adoptive stepfather. Sydney makes excuses to explain to her tenants why she reappeared in Soho so abruptly following the New Year "ski holiday" with her husband. Tony grits his teeth and plugs up his ears as the chattering Molly Malone begins her first day at the detective agency. In deference to the frigid temperatures, Leonard grudgingly moves his chess game into The City, where he faces off with Sydney once again. Nick praises Jacob's musical skills after hearing Buck's partner playing "Angie's Song" on the bar's piano. *All My Children* After asking Laura and the other students to leave the room, Michael turns to address the remaining parents on the topic of their obvious concern about his sexual orientation. Though Palmer refuses to join Enid's witchhunt, Opal sides with Hector and several others as they demand Michael's resignation. Following the meeting, Stuart warns Enid not to pull the same stunt she tried with Cindy years ago. Liza goes to Lyndon House to confront Erica with the knowledge she recently obtained about the TV star's drug habit. Sputtering an indignant denial, Erica accuses her visitor of spreading lies out of sheer jealousy. Calmly fending off the flying insults, Liza informs Erica she's willing to put her back on the air once she has verification from a physician that the star is clean and sober. *The Bold and the Beautiful* Jessica considers talking with her mother about Sly's marriage proposal, but before she can, Maggie warns Jessica that she shouldn't rush into anything with Sly. Maggie adds that the right guy will come along for Jessica. Jasmine begins work at the Bikini and continues to flirt with Sly. Sly warns her that he's popped the question to Jessica and intends to marry into the Forrester family. Sensing that he's marrying her for the money, Jasmine hints that she's still available for some fun on the side if he wants it. Blasting Stephanie for her little elevator trick, Taylor explains to Stephanie that she suffers from claustrophobia. Stephanie apologizes but Taylor does admit that it was nice feeling close to Ridge again. *As the World Turns* With the kids out of town with Lisa and John, Tom's romantic plans for Margo fall apart and end in a big argument. Later, she leaves to accompany Damian to Washington D.C. on business. Rosanna responds to Scott's desire for a relationship by giving him a hug. He explains how his feelings have grown for her and when she says now is not the time, he promises that he won't mind waiting for her. When Lily confides Damian's business troubles to Sam, an alarm goes off in Sam's head concerning Kirk when she mentions that Umberto was behind all of the illegal doings at Kingsley-Malta. Later, Sam confronts him and after Kirk forces a smirking Emily to leave, he admits that he's had secret dealings with Umberto for many months now. *Another World* Rafael snaps a photo of his victim for the ransom note and then foils a desperate Maggie's escape attempt. When he returns from dropping off the ransom note, Rafael is surprised to discover that Maggie has turned the tables on him. At Ryan's gravesite, a demented Grant admits that he has fallen in love with Vicky again and then takes a verbal swipe at Carl, claiming that he's trying to turn Vicky against him. Grant then makes plans for a now-hospitalized Carl's demise by reading about some dangerous drugs. Worried that she hasn't come home all night, Cecile asks Tomas if he knows where Maggie is. Tomas isn't interested and knows nothing about her. With Cass by her side, a concerned Cecile learns from the police that Maggie has been kidnapped. *One Life to Live* Savagely determined to wreck Marty's life, Blair prepares an explosive headline for the next day's edition of The Sun. Meanwhile, Dylan asks Marty for the truth about her relationship with Patrick. When she admits they shared a room on Innis Crag, Dylan becomes furious and stalks out. Joey goes to Dorian's house to ask her why she's been trying so hard to push him away. At the gatehouse, a dejected Kelly tells Jessica she's afraid Joey is walking into some real trouble. As Joey reminisces about their good old days together, Dorian's resolve crumbles and she invites her visitor to stay for lunch. Following a crash course from her sister on disassociative identity disorder, Nora begins preparing Viki's defense but warns her client that they have a rough road ahead of them. *General Hospital* Greatly relieved to bid Isla Patito farewell, Kevin and Lucy race back to Port Charles at the first possible opportunity. Meanwhile, Mac and Katherine also enjoy a happy homecoming at the Scorpio house. After calling Garcia, Mac tells Katherine to stay under wraps while he puts the word out on the street that he left her behind in Florida. Lucy is rattled to read about Damian's leadership role in organized crime. Robin hurries to the hospital to check on Jason but is disheartened to learn that her friend's condition has deteriorated. As Ned tries to console her, Robin sadly wonders why everyone she loves seems to suffer so much pain. Heartsick at the thought of losing Jason, Ned muses upon the fact that out of all the Quartermaines his young cousin seems to stand alone as a beacon of goodness and decency. *Guiding Light* Unaware that Dinah is to blame, Roger accuses Vanessa of lying when she claims she knows that Hart has ordered him out of Peter's life. Hart takes the blame for a surprised Dinah when Roger accuses her of telling Vanessa that he and Hart are still estranged. Susan warns Nick and Frank that Marian not only tried to kill her but also has plans to kill Lucy. Lured by Marian to her apartment, Alan-Michael meets Frank who has arranged for an arrest warrant for her. Both get a rude awakening when they arrive at the apartment complex. Meanwhile, at the stroke of midnight, Lucy draws back in horror when she realizes that the man she is kissing is not Alan-Michael but is actually Brent wearing a costume similar to Alan- Michael's.