-::- BATCH FILE EXAMPLES -::- Included here are example setups that users have contributed, on how they have setup RADCD to run on their systems. If you are having a particular problem, perhaps something here may help, and Im sure any one here would be willing to clarify their setup, and help you out via netmail. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From : Rod Aubertin 1:222/30 Subj : RADCD call placement in Shell To Mailer Mode :START REM Start the main batch file loop. CLS ECHO STARTING REMOTEACCESS NODE %1 AND SHELLING TO THE MAILER CD \RA\NODE%1 \RA\RA -M\FD1\FD.EXE*M -E11 -N%1 REM After RA exits, trap the errorlevel. :AFTERRA if errorlevel 11 goto RADCD if errorlevel 10 goto QUIT if errorlevel 5 goto NETMAIL if errorlevel 4 goto NETMAIL if errorlevel 3 goto NETMAIL if errorlevel 2 goto localon if errorlevel 0 goto RADCD :netmail n: cd \semaphor semafore ? n:\ra\semapfor\mailscan.nd1 cd \fastecho fastecho scan -A cd \ra goto radcd :radcd n: n:\carrier\radcd goto start To explain the flow of the calls is when a user exits the board RA will exit with either errorlevel 11 (normal exit), 5 to 3 if the user entered Netmail, Echomail or both. In so calling the RADCD label the program will check the log file and carry out it's task. It seems like a round about way of getting the program to work in this mode but I looked at the thought of switching to "Mailer calling the BBS" and I came to the conclusion that it would have to be accomplished in the same manner as in "Shell to Mailer Mode" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~