***************************************************************** What's new in RemoteAccess Automated Message System v1.20 ***************************************************************** If you are upgrading from a previous version of Rams, PLEASE read the section of the docs on upgrading. If this is a first time install, please read the section of the docs on configuring and setting up Rams. Now, what's new in this the third release of Rams? Added a new metastring %MSGSPOSTED% which will be translated to the TOTAL number of messages posted by the user on your system. This is read from the users record so *may* not contain messages posted using a mail door as *some* of them do not update the users messages posted counter :-(. Fixed a minor bug that would cause Rams to generate a runtime error 002 if no logfile was specified in the config program. Rams will now by default create a logfile called RAMS.LOG in the directory it was run from if nothing is setup in the config program. Changed the 'Welcome', 'Upload', 'Watchdog', and 'Birthday' messages to multi-style msgs. Added Netmail support to the 'Regular', 'Monthly', and 'Yearly' msgs. This is ONLY available for the USERS messages, and can be used to send any regular Netmail messages you may need to post. Things such as Areafix msgs etc etc. The Netmail ONLY supports Hudson and JAM netmail areas, it does NOT support the *.MSG format. Changed the screen output so it now shows which user record Rams is reading. That should satisfy those using slower machines that Rams is actually doing something, particularly in it's midnight event. Don't forget the more users you have in your userbase, the longer Rams will take to run... That's a good enough reason to purge your userbase files once in a while! Added code to handle Co-Sysop messages. Rams can now post to upto 3 Co-Sysops as well as the normal Sysop msg. The Sysop msg MUST be active for Rams to post the messages to your Co-Sysops, and you MUST activate the 'Co-Sysop Feature' in RamsCfg and enter the names of the users you wish to post to. Rams will then duplicate the Sysops message and post it to the users you have specified in the config program. Added the ability to reset upload/download counters when sending a subscription message. You can toggle wether Rams should alter them in the 'Actions' menu for the subs msgs. If active, RAMS will reset the users D/Load counters to zero, and reset the U/Load counters to the 'New user' defaults specified in RAConfig. Corrected a bug in the 'Regular' messages that caused Rams NOT to post the message because the counters weren't being correctly reset. Added the ability to create Ascii textfile reports from within the config prog. ***************************************************************** What's new in RemoteAccess Automated Message System v1.11 ***************************************************************** Now onto the new bits/bug fixes since the first release: Since v1.11 is only a very minor bugfix.. Please read the rest of this document to see all the changes made since version 1.0 Fixed a minor bug that would sometimes cause RamsCfg not to save any changes made in the config file. All registrations are now being handled by Minerva Online, with the exception of upgrades from Mom. All details are included in the REGISTER.NFO and MOMUPGRD.REG files. So now you have the choice of paying by cheque, postal order, cash, credit card or whatever... There is no excuse for not registering anymore! :-) ***************************************************************** What's new in RemoteAccess Automated Message System v1.10 ***************************************************************** Added the Rams version number to the Rams log when it is created. No real reason for this except that it will help us to see what version of Rams is being used if we get any logs sent by users who have a problem. Added support for the users 'Sex' as a message condition.. So you can now setup Rams so it will post to 'Both', 'Male' only, or 'Female' only... The default is for Rams to post to BOTH sexes. Added support for the users 'Language' as a condition.. So you can now setup Rams so it will post to any valid language in the range 0-255.. If it is set to langauge 'ALL' (the default setting) it will post to ALL users irrespective of which language they have chosen. Added support for the users 'Group' as a condition AND action. By default Rams will post to 'ALL' groups, and will have the action set as 'N/C' (No Change). You can enter any valid group as a condition or action (0-255) and Rams will ONLY post the message if the user is in the group you have defined. Rams can optionally change the users group if you specify an action... Leaving it at 'N/C' means Rams will 'Not Change' the users group. Added support for checking the user Flags as a 'Condition'. you can select a flag Condition of 'X', 'O', or '-'. 'X' means that the selected users flag MUST be ON, 'O' means that the users flag MUST be OFF, and '-' means that Rams will IGNORE that particular user flag. The default is for ALL flags to be set to '-' so that Rams will IGNORE ALL the user flags and send the message to ALL users provided they also match any other conditions you may have specified. Added the code to set the user Flags. You can now specify an 'Action' for all messages which will tell Rams to alter the user flags when it posts a message to your users. You have the following options: T = Toggle userflag ie. if it's ON turn it OFF, or if OFF turn it ON O = Clear userflag. ie. turn it OFF X = Set userflag. ie. turn it ON - = Leave flag setting alone. ie. Don't change it Added a built in message template editor into the config program. this can be called up in any message menu by pressing F5. If you are in the Sysop part of the menu, the editor will automatically load the Sysop message template, if you are in the User part of the menu it will load the User message template. Not only will it allow you to edit the message, it will also allow you to select metastrings from a list.. You choose the one you want, and the editor will automatically insert it at the current cursor position in the message template. Added some more error checking into the config program. Now you MUST setup the System menu BEFORE you can activate ANY of the messages. If you have not setup the system menu, RamsCfg will display an onscreen message asking you to configure the various paths first. Changed the order that some of the messages are posted in so that 'Keyword', 'Times On', and 'Nth Call' will now be posted AFTER a 'Welcome' message. If the user is a NEW user, and you have Welcome msgs active it will ALWAYS be the FIRST message posted to the user. You can now hit F3 from anywhere in each menu and RamsCfg will pop up the users 'Conditions/Actions' menu so you can setup any conditions or actions for that particular message. You no longer have to have the option highlighted before you can use the F3 key. Fixed a bug with Weekly messages and the msg counters it uses. If Daily messages were disabled, but weekly msgs were active, Rams would show zero for ALL msg counters. Fixed a problem with the midnight messages that would cause a runtime error 102 or 105 under certain conditions. Fixed a bug with the subscription messages in Rams... This meant Rams would NOT post any 'Subs' messages. Fixed a bug with the subscription messages that caused Rams to attempt to post them to the last user that had been online before midnight, even if they were not supposed to be sent a subs message. Fixed a bug that caused Unregistered versions of Rams to show the 'Registered' tear line at the bottom of any messages that were created. Fixed a bug that caused Rams NOT to post *some* user messages if the accompanying Sysop reports were disabled. The messages concerned were: Welcome, Watchdog, Upload, and carrier Drop. The USER messages would NOT be posted IF the Sysop reports were inactive. Fixed a bug that caused Sysop subscription reports to show the name of the last user online when translating the %USERNAME% metastring instead of the name of the Subscriber that was posted a message. Fixed a minor problem with user D.O.B. if the users Birthdate was blank in the users record Rams would display '--19' OR '--' as the users DOB in messages when it translated the metastrings. Either '??-??-19?? ' OR '??-??-?? ' will now be shown. Fixed a bug in the subscription messages that caused the Sysop 'Report' message to be posted even when the user was outside the conditions specified for the message. The user message wasn't sent, but the Sysop report was... Fixed a bug in the birthday messages that would cause Rams to alter the wrong user record if any 'Actions' were defined for the message. If the user was at record 505 for example, Rams would alter record 504... This ONLY affected birthday messages. Fixed a bug that caused the %WHOTO% metastring not to be translated correctly.