First! DO NOT OVERWRITE your CATNEWS.CFG file!!!! PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!!! FIRST!!! 1) PKZIP your CURRENT CATNEWS files including your .CFG FILE. 2) DO NOT OVERITE your CATNEWS.CFG, but edit it and make Sure your EXISTING .CFG file has a LINE 5 with a INTEGER NUMBER on how many Newsletters you wish to keep the NEWSLTR.BBS Trimmed to. I have mine set at 3. This is important. THE Catnews! WCX program will never delete the entire Newsletter, but instead appends it and saves only the number specified on line 5. It is an AUTO-TRIM function. 3) IF you are using Catnews as UNREGISTERED, EDIT the .CFG file and Make sure Line 4 reads all zeros.... 00000000 or put 1 zero on this line. Remove any letters. 4) Line 5 of the Catnews.CFG is the AUTOTRIM function number. 0 means Always delete the old news, 1 - means keep 1 newsletter, 2 - 2 newsltrs etc.. Up to 9999. I use 3 for the latest 3 newsletters. 5) Unzip and overwrite ORDER.FRM, CATNEWS.EXE and CATNEWS.HLP The ORDER.FRM NOW TAKES more information than previous ones. If you plan to register, Please use the current form. Go into MakeMenu and add this CATNEWS.WCX to your SYSOP MENU. Pick a Letter or a number to run the Newsletter Creator. The Catnews! WCX will evoke the WILDCAT! Internal Editor and allow you to edit a newsletter up to 150 lines. When using the WCX the Newsletter will dynamically change in Size. You wont get a FULL screen Newsletter if you only put 6 lines of text in it. It will give a 6 line newsletter. The Catnews.WCX should work from REMOTE as well as local. I toyed with the idea of not clearing the screen after each newsletter because sometimes you may have a small amount of news and not many lines on the newsletter, but my Beta testers and some users thought it was annoying scrolling. Perhaps they were just used to the full screen look. If you want to keep the full screen look, just skip down to line 15 of the Full Screen Editor in CATNEWS.WCX then save it. It will be the same size you are always used to. The Advantages of using the WCX interface program???? Well, the biggest and best is the ability for wcCODE to call the WC! internal Editor to edit the file. It gives ya the spell-check functions and word wrapping function of the full screen editor. The other big advantage is that it is a wcCODE program which means you can create the Newsletter from Remote if you needed too. CATNEWS! WCX Calls CATNEWS.EXE internally to create the Newsletter. CATNEWS! .EXE still creates the news and does all the work. The WCX is just an interface between WC! and my Newsletter Creator. If you dont' wish to be bothered with the WCX, you can still SHELL TO DOS from WC! and create your newsletter with the built-in editor inside of CATNEWS.EXE. Either way....your choice. v4.7 to 4.8 Upgrade All you need in this release is CATNEWS.EXE, CATNEWS.HLP, and CATNEWS.DOC and ORDER.FRM. These 4 files are all that is needed. READ THE WHATSNEW.TXT to SEE THE LATEST CHANGES! v4.6 added another Line to the .CFG file so CATNEWS.CFG MUST HAVE 5 LINES in it! Even if you dont use RIP, or you are not a Registered User yet, CATNEWS.CFG MUST HAVE 5 lines in it. See CATNEWS.DOC for the Config. Make your CATNEWS.CFG File READ ONLY to prevent ever doing this! REMEMBER! Your Key Code you received MATCHES your NAME on the Registration letter as CaSe SenSitivE, exactly as shown. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- If you would like to Register Catnews for the first time, Please see the ORDER.FRM or call Maddog Productions for ONLINE Ordering thru a Credit Card. (Credit Card or ONLINE Checks is FASTER! Your key code is generated at 48 hours after placing the order).