Dear Insurance rates are competitive! Before you renew your existing Group Medical Insurance package, we would like to take a moment of your time to let you know what's been going on at [COMPANY NAME]. We offer a complete medical plan, including: Life and Accidental Death Coverage, $100.00 per individual - $300.00 per family deductable, 80% Major Medical with Stop Loss and $300.00 Accident benefit.* The monthly cost for [COMPANY NAME] Plan for businesses with between 3 to 12 employees is $41.88 per individual and $100.00 per family. Our rates for businesses who have more than 12 employees are similar, but must be quoted individually. We take pride in being able to offer this coverage for these low rates and in our reputation for handling claims in a speedy and efficient manner, with the least amount of paper work possible. Thank you for giving me this moment. For more information on [COMPANY NAME] Medical Plan, please call any of our service representatives at (813) 457-4488. * A Medicare Supplement Plan and Pregnancy Coverage are available as options to our basic policy.